miguel ohara; part two

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He leans in and kisses you softly, his hands moving down and holding your waist now. That hug that held you close was becoming less and less innocent. He still carefully had you cradled in his arms not wanting to press on your bruises, but that heat that was already inside him was beginning to show. Your lips felt hot against his mouth. He parted his lips, inviting you to do the same.

His free hand moved up through your hair, and he took you closer to kiss you harder. The kiss was growing longer and longer, your breath mingling with his. His lips moving against yours, his tongue pressing against yours. You couldn't help yourself, as you pushed against him slightly in the embrace.

His mouth left yours, and he looked you in the eyes. His eyes were filled with passion, his lips slightly parted. He moved his hand to the back of your neck, while still holding you close. His expression grew more serious.

"Kiss me back."

When you heard him, you felt something twist within of you.

As you pouted while staring into Miguel's eyes, he shifted to have a better look on you. Your teary eye can't help but make you more desirable to kiss.

"But, what would happen after this? How am I going to go to work after this? How am I going to look at you? Just now we were quarrelling and annoyed at each other. I-I don't want to lose you, this friendship."

This made you feel even more ridiculous because you had just realised that your position was now placed on top of his thighs with his hands around your waist tightly holding you in place so that you wouldn't fall off.

Miguel smiles as he watches how cute you look when you're all flustered. He caress you with one of his arms around your back now, and keeps you close.

He doesn't kiss you again, he just looks at you. His eyes studying you, taking in your beauty.

"Who knows what the future holds? Who cares about work right now?" he smiles at you, his eyes gazing at you with love and appreciation.

"You are one of the most precious things in my life. It was destined to happen to us. To be here together."

The expression in your eyes conveys suspicion. His shoulder is still being pushed straight by your hands.

"You're an ass, why are you acting so kind now? Given how radically romantic you can be, can I even trust you?"

He leans in and brushes away your hair, looking at you with a cheeky smile.

"You like my being a jackass, don't you? Maybe you want me to be a jackass to you, to be hard on you."

He leans closer again, whispering in your ear.

"But this time, if I can't be romantic, I guess I'll be your ass. Is that okay?" he giggles slightly in the embrace, and kisses your cheek as he pulls you close again.

Even though your demeanour is still serious your cheeks are visibly flushed. You turn your gaze away from Miguel because you fear of kissing him without stopping.

"You're dangerous." you muttered.

Miguel laughs, his eyes lighting up as he looks at you again.

"I'm not dangerous. I'm here to protect you. Your safety is important to me."

There's that protective instinct of his again, the same instinct that led him to hold you close for so long. He strokes your hair, his expression softening.

"Don't be afraid. I care about you." he whispers, still holding you close, but now his cheek is touching yours.

When you finally stare at his face once more, you nearly utter a groan. You took a long look at him because of the pure affection and desire on his face. The sight in front of you causes your lips parted slightly.

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