könig; part five

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authored by @gogojogo

The sudden change in question caught the giant a little off guard. He had a feeling that you would continue the flirting and teasing, not switch to a new topic entirely. But the question caught him by surprise, and it made his breath become more shaky as your voices were making his mind and body tremble with excitement. The giant didn't think too much about his kinks but there was one thing that he knew for sure. He wanted you to hear it, he knew it would be something that you'd enjoy.


" What type?" this perks your interest.

The giant thought for a moment as he was still in the process of supporting your breasts. You made these soft sounds, this was something that drove the giant crazy in terms of desires. So it was no surprise that his favorite kink and fetish was tied to a very common thing with women…

“I have a thing for voices.”

"Oh?" your reaction were more of a gasp thinking that's why he was so turned on previously.

The giant felt you press your body against his support which made him groan. It wasn't like you were putting on a sexy voice, it was just the sound of your voice. Whatever it was, it was driving him crazy and making him feel some kind of way. The giant was starting to have a hard time holding back some words.

“Do you have any? Or do you want me to take a guess?”

"I like for you to take a guess, you can guess wild ones" you winked at him.

That wink is causing the giant to nearly lose his mind and he’s trying to keep himself from saying anything that might be too inappropriate for this situation. The giant thinks for a moment as he keeps himself occupied by supporting your breasts. The giant had a few wild things in mind, but the way you were looking at him kept distracting him. Eventually he managed to get it together and say

“I have a feeling that you’d like me to be a bit more possessive with you?”

"Hmm, that's one of them"

"And what else?"

"I don't mind a little..bondage"

König was definitely not expecting that you were also into bondage, he thought it would have been more of a wild guess. He smiled back at you as your comment made your blush even redder. The way you were struggling to say the word and the way your body was shaking from embarrassment made the giant all the more excited. Just hearing you say that one word made him want to do it so bad.

"You mean like tying you up?"

Despite being embarrassed for saying out loud, you felt the need to let König know about one of yours, a big one at that. But seeing how König is teasung you right now made you feel that this situation is unreal.

He's being playful.

"König.." you were feeling embarrassed at this point. You are hiding you face against his chest hoping that he would stop but also regret you have started something you couldn't finish. At first, it was cute teasing him but it was not cute at all being teased back.

The giant loved the feeling of you hiding your face in his chest, he enjoyed the way your body was pressed up against his. It made the giant feel a sense of dominance even with the little games you two were playing. König enjoyed seeing the way you reacted when you were pushed into this corner of being submissive and into his clutches. He knew that this was making him feel very dominant and he was enjoying every moment of it.

"Should I stop guessing things... "

"Yeah, just shut up"

i got lazy.

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