könig; part three

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authored by @gogojogo

König was completely stunned by your question. Did you really want him to touch your breasts? Or was this some cruel joke that you were pulling on the soldier? The giant had no idea how to reply to such a forward proposal. He looked at you with his jaw dropped, his eyes darting all around your face as you were looking straight at his eyes and his breath was held in anticipation.

Getting no response from him, you took the exact same move he had just taken; you took hold of both of his hands, moved them slowly to the sides of your body, and raised them so they were on top of your breast.

König shivered when you put his hands directly on top of your breasts. Your fingers caressed the side of your breasts and you didn't try to pull his hands away. As your breasts pushed up together, he could see the shape of your nipples though the fabric of your bra. He was completely in shock, he didn't know what to do next. He couldn't take his eyes from yours, you were so brave and forward without even knowing it. König was in awe of you and you could see it from the look on his face.

"Come on, you could feel them. I don't mind."

König was surprised at how your attitude was so casual when it came to your breasts. He thought you were shy and timid, but yet here you were showing no modesty or shame. He was still a bit frozen in shock as he was trying to process what was happening. But he knew he should do something and his body was trying to move on its own. So without thinking, he leaned in even further until your chests were touching together. "They're really soft"

"Really? I didn't realise that" you were growing weary of them because you were accustomed to them. Your voice also started to sound quieter.

Your were getting sluggish as Konig was staring at your reaction. He could hear the softening tone in your voice as well. The giant was unable to discern what was making you feel that way, but it didn't lessen the beauty in your eyes. This was a side of you that he couldn't have imagined, the innocent and soft side. König leaned in and started stroking your chest with his hands.

You shut your eyes tightly now. God, i didn't know it could feel this good.

You are making a lot of effort to restrain yourself because you are worried that you might let out something vulgar. Your breathing becomes more rapid by the second.

The feeling of König's hands gliding up and down your breasts made your breath come in faster. The giant noticed the change in your breathing and it prompted him to slow down a little. Your body seemed to be trembling and twitching slightly, and it was like you were starting to tremble. König couldn't help but notice what was happening to your body, and he was starting to think this was a first for you.

König continued to caress your breasts, and he thought it was interesting that your body was shaking ever so slightly. He wondered if you were getting nervous or if it was because of the pleasure. He watched you as you shut your eyes and your breath came in faster. He leaned in closer and his breath was now warm against your skin. "Do you enjoy this?" he whispered in a deep and sensual voice.

"Ngghh..I..don't know what to feel"

König smiled as he heard a soft moan come from you. It was enough indication that you were enjoying this, and he wanted to continue. His hands continued to move up and down your breasts, the slight caress and his breathing on your skin made the experience more sensual. König leaned in closer now, so close that his hair began to tickle your face.

"I take it that you've never done anything like this with a man?"

You pushed him away from you by his chest in order to take his hands off of you. Gazing into his intensely blue eyes, you anticipated his response.

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