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"I'm really proud of you Destiny

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"I'm really proud of you Destiny." I murmured, a smile still faintly lingering on my lips, as I continued to stroke another layer of hot pink nail polish on Destiny's toe nails. "Your performance earlier this evening really surprised me." Though it was 10pm, I couldn't go to sleep. From the jitters of Destiny's performance still remaining to the PTA campaign contemplation to Robert's sudden phone call, I found myself restless and needed something to get my mind off the pandemonium that happened today.

So I decided to do a little girl's night in my bedroom while the boys had their own boys night in Treyvon's bedroom.

"Mom. You've said it like twenty times already." Destiny grinned at me, stuffing her hand into the bowl of buttered popcorn— I don't know what type of psychopaths preferred buttered popcorn over salty popcorn, but I found myself munching on the buttery confectionary regardless. If that's what Destiny wanted, then it was worth the destruction on my taste palate, I guess.

"Make sure your finger nails are dry!" I scolded her as she kept fidgeting with her fingers and eating popcorn while I just finished a fresh coat on her pink finger nails.

"They are dry— Oh my gosh, mommy! My favorite song from Tangled!" Destiny grinned widely as she turned up the volume as 'I See the Light' began to play. An iconic scene from the Disney movie Tangled, where Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder were sailing onto the lake to watch the release of the lanterns. Destiny's eyes were fixated onto the TV screen, so much awe and amazement in her eyes. "Her voice is so beautiful, mommy."

"Nearly half as beautiful as yours." I smiled, tugging on her braid, playfully.

"Mama?" Destiny breathed out.

"Yes, baby?" I murmured, painting her final toe.

"Is Disney love real?" She randomly asked, her eyes still glued on Eugene and Rapunzel singing to each other.

"Why do you ask? You have a boyfriend?"I cocked my brow. She shook her head rigorously, knowing how I felt about boyfriends. No boyfriends until 16 and even then, if she was to date, she would need to date under adult supervision. Though some may these rules are strict or overbearing, I deem them as good parenting.

I conceived Treyvon at 15, with Robert who was 22 at the time. I don't blame my parents at all for what happened to me, but at the same time, maybe if they were a little more present in my life things would have gone a lot more smoothly.

A smile cracked on Destiny's lips.

"I'm asking because of you and dad." Destiny said honestly and that's when I halted, stopping the pedicure I was doing. I felt my heart race at the mention of Robert, wondering why she suddenly brought up that bastard, as she hardly ever asked about him.

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