Chapter Ten: Family Reunion ||

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{The training grounds, the Red Keep}

Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon had expressed their desire to explore their old home, and had found their way to the training grounds where they spent the majority of their youth. "See, I told you this would still be here" Jace exclaimed as he picked up a shield. He pretended to fight Luce whilst chuckling. "And you thought you could swing Ser Criston's Morningstar, you almost took your head off. I'd never seen Rhae look so worried" Luce smiled at the memory, how Rhaenys had scolded Jace and Aegon for allowing Luce to do that. The smile slowly dropped off his face as he realised they had become the gossip of the training grounds. Jacaerys put down the shield and placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. "What's your problem?" Jace attempted to sound nonchalant but deep down he felt just the same as Luce. "Everyone's staring at us" Luce mumbled, and as Jace looked around he realised that they were indeed. He glared at one group of women, who suddenly hushed and looked the opposite direction.

"No one would question you being heir to Driftmark if we looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong. At least Rhae looks like mother" Luce shrugged his shoulders and spoke quietly, as though ashamed. Jace scoffed and ruffled his brothers hair, inwardly agreeing with his points but refusing to say so. "It doesn't matter what they think, and that just means that Rhae is even prettier than other girls" the older boys comment made the younger smile, looking up with his sparkling eyes.

The sound of swords clashing and grunting mixed with cheering made the Velaryon boys turn and see that a crowd had formed behind them. They tried to catch a glimpse of the action but all they saw was a flash of silver-white hair. "Is that?" Luce whispered, grabbing Jace's arm. "I think it might be" Jace replied. The crowd cheered as the silver haired man pinned his opponent to the ground with a grunt before standing and raising a charitable hand. Ser Criston Cole laughed and patted the winner on the back. "Well done my prince, you'll be winning tourneys in no time" he praised, placing his Morningstar and shield on the table. The two Velaryon boys gasped as they saw their uncle, Aemond, put down his sword. "I don't give a shit about tourneys" Aemond snapped at his mentor, turning around and his eye stopped on his Nephews.

"Nephews, have you come to train?" Aemond mused, smirking at the boys and looking them up and down with his good eye. Luce shuffled his feet and averted his gaze whilst Jacaerys maintained eye contact with his uncle. "I'm afraid not, uncle, simply reminiscing the... Good Times we shared here" Jace smirked as Aemond glared at his words. He moved to speak but was stopped at the sound of a guard shouting for the gates to open. All eyes turned to the gates as none other than Vaemond Velaryon strode in. The older man refused to speak to anyone and continued on his way into the castle, pausing to turn and glare ay Jace and Luce before slamming the door behind him. "Well that's reassuring" Jace muttered to Luce, the Younger boy suppressing a giggle.


{Some Time later, The Dragonpit}

Jacaerys had managed to sneak away before supper to the Dragonpit, wanting to spend some time with Vermax alone. As he strolled, the nerves for the next day had begun to creep in. His green buddy had always helped him to contain his emotions, their bond ever growing. As he approached the entrance to the giant building, he saw a flash of silver-white in the corner of his eye. He quickly turned to see the flash go behind the pit and towards the mountains. His curiosity getting the best of him, Jacaerys Turner from the dragonpit and began to follow who he had seen. He jogged quietly and eventually caught up with the person he prayed wasn't his uncle Aemond.

Jace hid behind a rock as he watched the scene in front of him. It was a woman who owned the silver-white hair, and he stared intently as she approached a sleeping dragon. Unfortunately for the Velaryon boy, he was too far away to see exactly which dragon it was. Too small and pale to be Vhagar, yet bigger than his or his family's dragons. Jacaerys peered over the rock and strained to see. The woman had woken up the beast and had sat down next to it, it's wing gently resting over her. "Is that?" Jace mumbled to himself. The Driftmark heir stood and began to run closer to the woman and dragon.

"Rhaenys?" Jacaerys called out, and grinned as the woman looked up in response. He got close enough to see her and the dragon, who he recognised to be Seasmoke, and slowed to a halt. Seasmoke growled and began to move into a defensive position, neck and head in front of Rhaenys. "It's me, it's Jace!" The boy called once more, attempting to step closer but stopping as the pearl beast growled once more. The older Velaryon twin stepped out from behind the dragon and Jace's breath got caught in his throat.

Rhaenys placed a gentle hand on Seasmoke's snout and began to sooth the beast. "Calm, Seasmoke, calm. This js a friend" she whispered and stroked her father's beast. The dragon listened, and lay back down, eyes not leaving Jacaerys as Rhaenys walked closer to him. She stood in front of her younger brother and took him in as he did her. Whilst Rhaenys had grown into the spitting image of her mother, Jacaerys was the most handsome man she had seen. He had grown to be taller than her, to the point she had to look up at him, and he had lost all his baby fat. He had inherited their mother's pin straight hair, but the brunette locks of Ser Harwin. His brown eyes were sharp yet gentle and he had developed some muscles that were visible from under his cloak. The years apart from one another had highlighted one thing, they did not look like twins any longer. Yet the adoration in their eyes had remained.

"Hello sister" Jace breathed, smiling down at his older twin. Rhaenys stared up at him, violet eyes meeting chocolate, and she couldn't help the smile that grew on her face. "Jacey" she grinned before throwing herself into his embrace. The twins held onto each other tightly, as if it were the last time they would be able to. Jace pulled away only slightly, just to keep looking at Rhaenys. "You've been crying?" He asked, lifting her chin gently with his finger and thumb. Rhaenys averted her eyes to not meet his, but her still wet eyelashes gave it away. "Did you know?" Rhaenys whispered, stepping away from her brother slightly but keeping him within arms reach. Her brows furrowed as she stared at him, more so his confused expression. When Jacaerys didn't say anything, she began to elaborate.

Rhaenys grabbed his hand and began to lead him to where her cloak lay on the ground, prompting Jace to remove his own and sit down with her. "Our dearest mother has betrothed me" Rhaenys stared down at her lap as she awaited her brothers response. "What? No, she didn't tell me. Rhae this is brilliant news!" Jace exclaimed and Rhaenys's head shot up in shock. "Excuse me?" She scoffed. "This is wonderful, we can rule together and maybe we can ensure Luce inherits Driftmark. Oh, this is the best thing I've heard in days" Jacaerys took his sisters hands in his, smiling widely at her. When she didn't return it, however, the smile began to fade into a frown. "You don't want to?" His worried face met her shocked one. Before he could speak again, Rhaenys leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.

The kiss was passionate and filled with the words Rhaenys couldn't bring herself to say. Jace's hands found their way to her waist and hers to his shoulders. Gently he pulled her onto his lap, bringing her to straddle his hips. Rhaenys brought a hand to the nape of his neck and began to lightly tug on his hair, smirking as Jace let out a groan. With his opened mouth their tongues began to tangle with one another, and Jace placed a hand on his sister's cheek. Eventually the two parted for air, and rested their foreheads together. Tears began to slowly fall down Rhaenys's cheeks, and Jace gently wiped them with his thumb.

"It's not him is it?" Jacaerys asked worriedly, brows furrowed. Rhaenys shook her head with a small smile, and he sighed in relief. "Cregan Stark, the Warden of the North. Mother wants me to travel once this issue has been resolved" She whispered, fingers still entangled in his hair. The pair stayed like that until the sun had set and the moon began to rise up into the sky. Rhaenys sat in her twin brother's lap, playing with each others hair and catching up on what letters couldn't fit.

Eventually Seasmoke rumbled and nudged the couple with their snout, indicating for them to leave the pearl beast in peace. Rhaenys slipped off of Jace's lap and smiled when he offered her a hand. The brunette placed his own cape around her shoulders, and the two began to walk towards the Red Keep hand in hand. 'If I can't have her forever, let me have her for now' Jace prayed to whatever God's were listening, unaware that his twin sister was thinking the exact same.


{A/N: Happy New Year!! Have some Jace x Rhae :) updates might be a bit slower from now on but hopefully we can get right into it!}

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