Chapter Nineteen: The Black Queen

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Jacaerys Velaryon stood at the stone table in silence. So much had transpired in such a short amount of time, he had to think on it all alone. He'd reunited with his beloved sister, been reaffirmed as the heir to Driftmark, and had been officially betrothed to his cousin instead of Rhaenys. Baela was a lovely woman and a fine match, Jace couldn't deny as much, but his heart would always belong to his twin. The brunette caressed the word "Winterfell" carved onto the table and let out a sigh. His love would marry the Warden of the North, and the two of them would rule the Seven Kingdoms after their mother.

"There you are" a gentle voice snapped Jace out of his daze and he drew his fingers back, clasping his hands behind his back. "How long have you planned this?" He asked as Rhaenyra approached the table, hand on her ever growing belly. The older woman frowned slightly before sighing. "You are to be the Lord of the Tides, Jace. Rhaenys is to rule after me, that's the way it has to be" She explained softly to her eldest son. "We don't choose our destiny, Jacaerys, it chooses us". Jace sniffed and turned to face the table once more, staring the the map of the kingdoms. "You both will learn to accept your inheritance, in time. My father looked after me and prepared me for my duties" Rhaenyra placed a warm hand on Jace's cheek and stroked softly. "Your mother and Grandsire will do the same for you and your sister" she assured, kissing his forehead.

The sound of footsteps approaching led to Rhaenyra stepping away from her son to greet the owner of the sound. Ser Lorant Marbrand, one of the Princess's sworn swords. "Good morrow princess" he greeted the Heiress with a bow. "Good morrow Ser Lorant" She greeted in return. Jace began to walk out of the large hall, only stopping as he heard what Ser Lorant had to say. "Princess Rhaenys the Elder has just arrived on dragonback, she urgently requests an audience with you and Prince Daemon" the sentence had Jace pausing his actions, turning back to stare at his mother who mirrored his face. "Of course" the princess nodded, dismissing both her son and her knight.


"Princess Rhaenys, may we hope for news of Lord Corlys's recovery?" Rhaenyra greeted the older woman as she stormed in. The older Targaryen did not exchange pleasantries and dropped her news. "Viserys is dead".

Rhaenyra stopped and her breath hitched. That was not the news she was expecting to hear. Daemon at her side had also frozen, for once at a loss for words. "I grieve this loss with you Rhaenyra. My cousin, your father... possessed a kind heart" the princess continued despite the silence. "There is more" Daemon glared at the Queen that never was, silently demanding an explanation. "Aegon has been crowned his successor" Rhaenyra let out a whimper as a single tear strolled down her cheek. "They crowned him?" She whispered.

The rightful Queen gasped quietly as she clutched her pregnant stomach in pain. Rhaenyra ignored what Daemon said as the pain grew increasingly worse. "Alicent demanded you declare for Aegon?" She asked Rhaenys, eyes blurry. "She did. I refused her" the Elder nodded. "And yet you're still alive" Daemon accused, hand gripping his sword. "What of my daughter? What of Rhaenys?" Rhaenyra urged, silencing Daemon with her hand out. The older Targaryen woman was silent for a moment and Rhaenyra feared the worse.

"She's not here?" Those three words filled the two women with dread. Rhaenys the Younger wasn't on Dragonstone, which meant she must have been in the lion's den. With the Greens. "She could have flown North, to Winterfell. Or perhaps your dear namesake is a traitorous whore" Daemon snarked. Rhaenyra glared at her husband and went to speak before gasping once again in pain. She let out a groan and began to collapse, holding onto the table and her belly. Rhaenys called for a Maester and left hastily. The woman was filled with dread as she thought of where her granddaughter could have been.


{The Dragonmont, some time later}

All was silent on Dragonstone but the funeral pyre burning, the Black's and Castle staff mourning a tragic pair of losses. The good king Viserys, and a stillborn girl Rhaenyra had named Visenya. The baby's body was burnt, and in place of a body was an old cloak of the King's, given to Daemon as a peace offering. Tears had yet to stop falling from Rhaenyra's eyes, who had attempted to appear strong. She held onto her husband tightly, the two of them closest to the pyre as the rest of the family stayed behind. Jace held Luke and Joffery close to him, eyes not leaving the flames. Rhaenys the Elder stood with the dragon twins, Baela and Rhaena, as they mourned.

A roar in the distance broke the deafening silence, and Daemon alerted the knights to be on guard, not leaving his wife's side. The dragon seemed uncomfortable, and kept attempting to shake their back. Baela was the first to break out in a smile, recognising the grumpy attitude and pearl scales of the dragon. "Seasmoke" she whispered, and Rhaenys the Elder let out a breath of relief. The dragon landed close to the gathering and shook once more, this time allowing the crowd to see what they were shaking off. Two figures were shaken off of the saddle and rolled down Seasmoke's wing, the dragon making an effort to ease their landing slightly. Rhaenyra and Daemon left the pyre and walked closer, stopping as the two figures stood and began to walk towards the Black's.

The man acted first, kneeling in front of Rhaenyra. "I swear to ward the queen... with all my strength, and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands... father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands... ride at her side and defend her honour. Long Live the Queen" The rest of the knights and sworn swords declared the final line and Daemon nodded at the boy. Ser Arthur took that as his cue to stand and with Daemon's approval he took a space alongside the Queens Guard. The second figure limped forward, having not been so graceful upon landing. Rhaenyra gasped as her heir and only daughter approached.

Rhaenys the Younger ignored the looks and whispers as she made her way to her mother, hands bleeding with how tight she was gripping the gift she had stopped to get. "Rhae" The Black Queen attempted to reach out, but stopped as Rhaenys dropped to her knees, just as Ser Arthur had done. "Forgive me, your grace, I could not stop the usurper. But I bring you this" She held up the golden ornament and looked into her mother's eyes. "The crown of Jahaerys. The crown of Viserys, and now of Queen Rhaenyra the First". Rhaenyra held her hand out for her firstborn and helped her to stand. Rhaenys raised the crown up and Rhaenyra lowered her head, allowing her to place the crown on her head. Rhaenys held her mother's hands tightly, even as she proclaimed "Long Live the Queen", smiling slightly.


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