Chapter Thirty: Vhalar Morghulis ||

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"I'm not saying it was a dumb idea, Princess, but it was a dumb idea" Rhaenys groaned as she paced back and forth in her chamber. Nettles, Baela and Rhaena were all lounging on her bed amused at her antics. "Why didn't it eat you? You said it ate the keepers" Rhaena asked. "All men must die, but our sister is no man" Baela mused, Rhaenys snorting as Nettles pulled a face at the language. "What did you say?" The dark haired woman asked, looking from Baela to Rhaena to Rhaenys. Rhaenys smiled sheepishly at her newest friend, forgetting that not everyone spoke the tongue of Dragons. "She said all men must die, but that I'm no man. That's surely never stopped it before" She explained, stopping her pacing and turned to look out her window.

The charcoal beast was still there, eyes open and Rhaenys felt as though it was looking right at her. Right through her even, as if it could see something Rhaenys herself could not. "Maybe it wants you to claim it? Is that the right term?" Nettles suggested, only to be received with looks of horror from the Dragon Twins. "The Cannibal is one of three dragons that have never been claimed" Rhaena said. As the three darker skinned women spoke, Rhaenys continued to stare at the beast. Since exiting the dragonmont with Rhaenys, the Cannibal had only flown around the island to stretch its wings and slept near the castle.

A knock at the Princess's doors alerted the women, and Rhaenys nodded for Baela to speak. "Enter" She called on her cousin's behalf. Ser Arthur Hasgard entered with red cheeks and purposely avoided Baela's gaze. "Forgive me, my Ladies, but the Queen has requested Princess Rhaenys's presence in the throne room" he bowed before exiting the room to wait for the Heiress. "Gods help me" Rhaenys muttered under her breath, causing Rhaena to let out a giggle. She kissed her cousins' cheeks and hugged Nettles before making her way to the throne room, Ser Hasgard swiftly following.


"Princess Rhaenys Velaryon of House Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne. The princess of Dragonstone and the Pearl of Driftmark" the full title had Rhaenys cringing internally, thinking it too formal for her to be announced to her own mother. Rhaenyra was sat on the stone throne, crown atop her head and face cold. At her sides stood Daemon and her grandparents, Lord Corlys having made his way from Driftmark.

Rhaenys bowed to her mother stiffly and stood straight as her sworn sword left the room, only family in the room. "You snuck out in the dead of night, an attempt on your own life so soon after you revealed yourself alive. In your recklessness, the Cannibal has left its hibernation and has begun to bring fear to our subjects on Dragonstone, a cluch of eggs from Syrax and Silverwing eaten along with many Keepers. What do you have to say for yourself?" Rhaenyra hissed in High Valyrian, the queen seeming godlike upon her throne. Rhaenys the Younger glared as she heard Daemon snicker, and rage filled her once more.

"Syrax was your cradle mate, your lifelong companion. Despite being your heir I did not have that luxury. I may be of salt and sea, but I am also of fire and blood" Corlys sent the young woman a small smile and nod of encouragement as she paused to take a breath, the act loving. "The bond that Seasmoke and I shared was not born of cradle, but of grief and mutual understanding. Losing the last memory of Laenor Velaryon may not have affected you, clearly not as you married his murderer" She spat at Daemon in Valyrian before returning to common tongue. "Why would I want to live on when I have lost everything? My father, my dragon... my lover" Rhaenyra scoffed and stood from her throne, stepping down to be face to face with her daughter.

The Black Queen attempted to touch her Heir's cheek but was swiftly stopped, causing her to sigh. "I mourned your father, I mourned you. Receiving a raven to find out you had died, I spent days looking for you. I found Seasmoke's wing" Rhaenys whimpered at the mention of it but Rhaenyra continued. "Having you be alive and back with me made me realise how much I need you, not just as my successor but as my only daughter. You say you've lost everyone, but look here" Rhaenyra gestured behind her and Rhaenys looked past her shoulder to see her Grandsire and Grandmother. "You are more loved and treasured than you realise, my pearl".

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