Chapter Sixteen: Rise of the Greens

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{The small Council chamber}

"What is it that could not have waited until a reasonable hour?" Lord Jason Lannister complained tiredly. The most important members of the council had been summoned in secrecy, and had not been told the nature of the meeting. The now Dowager Queen Alicent took her place at the head of the table, with her father on her right hand side. The woman looked distraught and weary as she placed her ball in its slot, the council now in session. "Was Dorne invaded?" Lord Beesbury asked, putting out any suggestion to be understood.

Alicent sighed and spoke whilst fiddling with her wedding ring. "The king is dead" her voice sounded hoarse, as though she had been screaming or crying. The room filled with shocked murmers and expressions. "We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful. Our sovereign, our friend" Otto Hightower took over from his daughter, standing and walking to be behind her chair. A firm hand gripped her shoulder, in what could have been seen as a loving gesture to anyone but Alicent. "But he has left us a gift. With his last breath he impressed upon the Queen his final wish that his son, Aegon... should succeed him as Lord of the Seven kingdoms".

Alicent took a look at the faces of the council, and was concerned by the lack of shock on the majority of their faces. "Then we may proceed now with the full assurance of his blessing on our long laid plans" Grand Maester Orwyle said slowly, looking to his conspirators for confirmation. Otto nodded and continued with his speech. "Yes. There is much to be done, as we have previously discussed" Alicent was too stunned to speak. She had known her father to be devious and cunning, but to have planned to usurp Rhaenyra for years...

"Now, there are two amongst the Captains of the City Watch that remain loyal to Daemon. Let us replace them. Lord Lannister?" The Rogue Prince's name was spat from Otto's mouth. Jason Lannister nodded at his cue and recited his role. "The treasury is well in hand. The gold will be divided for safekeeping" he explained, receiving a nod from the Hand. "Let ravens be sent to our allies, Riverrun and Highgarden" the Hand continued, only to be cut off by his daughter. "Am I to understand that members of the small council have been planning to install my son without me?" The Dowager Queen rubbed her temples.

Everything was moving so quickly, too quickly. Not a full day ago she had proclaimed that Rhaenyra would make a good Queen, and now her son was to be king. "My queen, there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes" Lord Jasper Wylde attempted to reassure the woman. The next to speak was however unexpected. The ancient Lord Beesbury.

"I will not have this" he exclaimed, standing slowly but surely. "To hear that you are plotting to replace the King's chosen heir with an imposter!" The old man raged, slamming his hand on the table. "His firstborn son is hardly an imposter" mused Lord Jason, rolling his eyes at the geriatric. "Hundreds of Lords and landed knights swore fealty to the Princess" Beesbury countered. Alicent sighed deeply, placing her head in her hands. She knew there would be some to object. "That was some twenty years ago, most of them are now dead" Jason snarked. Beesbury glared at the Lannister man and moved to speak but once again was interrupted. "You heard the Lord Hand. Plot or no, the king changed his mind" Lord Jasper reasoned, attempting to diffuse the rising tension.

Lord Beesbury shook his head furiously. "I am six and seventy years old. I have known Viserys longer than any who sit at this table. I will not believe that he said this on his deathbed, alone, with only the boy's mother as a witness!" He pointed a wrinkly finger accusingly at the Dowager Queen. "This is seizure" Alicent sighed once more as the old man continued. "It is theft! It is treason! At the very least it is-"

"Mind your tongue, Lyman" Otto warned, stepping away from Alicent and back to his own chair. "The king was well last night, by all accounts" the Hand reminded. "Which of you here can swear that he died of his own accord?"

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