Chapter Eighteen: Traitors to the Realm

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{King's Landing}

As the sun rose high over the Red Keep, the constant sound of footsteps pacing unnerved Ser Arthur Hasgard to no end. He had to keep the princess safe, and until he could figure out a way to get her to Dragonstone and to the rightful heir, the safest place for Rhaenys the Younger was in her chambers guarded by him. Every once in a while she would bang against the locked doors and demand an explanation. All he could do was keep his position and think of a plan.

On the other side of the doors, Rhaenys was furious. She was heir to the Iron Throne, who would dare to lock her in her room. "Hasgard, let me out!" She called, slamming her palm against the door. The princess wasn't stupid, she knew something was happening the moment she had attempted to open her doors. No maids had entered to help her dress or draw her a bath, she had not received an invitation to join her namesake for breakfast. The shock at the audacity had turned to rage as she dressed herself and paced the rooms.

Rhaenys was so deep in her own mind that she was taken by surprise to see the green queen herself stood by the doors, looking as though she hadn't slept a wink. "Good morrow Rhaenys" Alicent smiled tiredly, hands clasped together. Rhaenys took in the older woman's appearance; she wore a modest green gown, adorned with gold chains and her hair pulled so tightly into a bun Rhaenys imagined the smile was forced onto her face. Gritting her teeth, Rhaenys bent into a quick curtesy  before speaking. "Your Grace, is there a particular reason as to why I've been confined to my rooms? It gives one the impression that something is wrong" She snarked with a pleasant smile on her face, making the Dowager Queen frown slightly. Alicent sat down on the plush couch and gestured for the Velaryon princess to join her, who did so reluctantly. The green queen brushed a stray silver hair from the younger's face and gave a gentle smile.

"Sweet girl I come bearing some... some hard news" The Dowager Queen started, the frown on her face returning once more. "It's Grandsire isn't it? That's  why everyone's been so quiet" Rhaenys deduced. When all she received was a deeper frown in response, she was given her answer. "You're usurping my mother's throne" the sentence was bitter on her tongue. Alicent couldn't deny the truth, but refused to meet the eyes of Rhaenyra's daughter. Rhaenys shook off the Dowager's hand and stood to make distance between them. With eyes full of Fury and distrust, Alicent could have sworn it was Rhaenyra in front of her instead of her child.

The Green Queen remained sat as she watched Rhaenys begin to pace once again. "Why am I still alive? Surely I'm a threat to your entire plan. Or do you plan to execute me in front of the smallfolk as a show of power?" The Velaryon woman asked, sounding more angry than afraid. Alicent shook her head quickly and stood to attempt to comfort the girl. She pulled Rhaenys into an embrace and held tightly despite her struggle. "Sweet girl I would never" the ginger assured, making Rhaenys scoff. "We want to avoid war at all costs. If you bend the knee to Aegon, your mother may follow suit"

Rhaenys removed herself from the Dowager's hold and stood by the window. She caught a glimpse of the small folk gathering towards the dragonpit, guided by knights and soldiers amidst the mass. Rhaenys assumed Aegon would be crowned in front of the masses to convince them of his legitimacy. Seasmoke was just outside of the pit, waiting for any excuse to leave and return to Driftmark. All she had to do was reach them, and convince them to let her mount. She could fly to Dragonstone and alert her mother of the treason but...

"My grandmother. What have you done to her?" Rhaenys demanded. The pearl of Driftmark was no fool, she knew her grandmother was strong. Rhaenys the Elder was who the Younger looked up to, taking up her Grandsire's seat when he left for the stepstones. "Princess Rhaenys has been given the same proposal, we await her answer just as we do yours" the Dowager promised. "Little will change when Aegon ascends, I assure you. You will marry the Warden of the North as planned, and your children will hold Northern titles. You will live as Wardeness and as Ambassador for the Northern Houses"

The proposition sounded reasonable to Rhaenys, much more reasonable than she would have given if the tables were turned. The silver haired woman bit her lip and looked down at her hands, where lay only two rings. Her father's pearl ring, resting gently on her index finger, and a small band on her wedding finger. The rough band of rope she had wound into a ring for Jacaerys years ago, found in the letter she received from Baela upon her swift exit. She sighed as she fiddled with the rope and pondered. Alicent placed a gentle hand on her arm and muttered "ring the bell when you have an answer" before taking her leave, the doors locking behind her.


{Some hours later}

Rhaenys did not ring the bell. Not even as the smallfolk finished piling into the dragonpit, not even when the maids left her bread and cheese for a meal. Instead she thought, long and hard about what to do. In the midst of her wondering mind, the doors to her chambers were slammed open and shut in a hurry. Rhaenys turned in a shock but relaxed with a sigh. "Ser Arthur, thank the gods" She breathed with a smile. The Knight could not bring himself to return it as he rushed to her side, grasping her elbow and leading her to the door himself. "There's no time, Princess, forgive me. Ser Westerling has found a way to get you out as the coronation happens" the Knight whispered as he passed his Princess a cloak to cover her silver hair. Rhaenys pulled the hood down and followed Ser Arthur through the now empty halls of the keep. "But what of my grandmother? I can't leave her, nor can I leave Seasmoke" she asked.

"Your grandmother was not in her chambers, Princess, I'm assuming she has made her escape just as you are" The words did little to console the Velaryon, as they hurried down a winding staircase. The pair passed an open room filled with the smell of herbs, and Rhaenys paused to look in. "Ser Arthur!" She called quietly, pulling the boy into the room and shutting the doors. "Princess, forgive my manner but we do not have time for stopping" the sword's warnings were ignored as Rhaenys stared into the centre of the room. There, abandoned, lay the mummified corpse of her grandsire. Rage filled Rhaenys as she thought of how usurping the throne was more import to Alicent than mourning her husband. The herbs had been placed around the room to stop the smell of death from spreading, and it made her sick. She walked towards the body slowly, and let silent tears fall from her face. "They will pay for this, Grandsire. You deserve the funeral of a king" Rhaenys mourned her grandfather quietly, her head bowed in respect. She sent a silent prayer to the Valyrian Gods before looking up and meeting Ser Arthur's gaze. "Can you get me to the dragonpit?"


{The Dragonpit}

Princess Rhaenys the Elder was fortunate. Being in the middle of a crowd of smallfolk allowed her to be ushered into the dragonpit to witness the usurpation take place, not that she planned to stay. As knights and Lords began to focus on the ceremony, the Queen that never was made her way down the stone steps and towards where the dragons lay to rest. She was careful not to disrupt any of the scaled beast's, but kept an eye out for guards or her granddaughter. She was there when Seasmoke had refused to enter the pit, and by the lack of pearl coloring seen it appeared that the dragon had not changed their mind. Rhaenys knew the bond between the beast and her grandchild, however, and knew that Seasmoke would never leave without Laenor's kin. Rhaenys approached Melys with that in mind, if Seasmoke was not there then nor was The Younger. The Red Queen allowed themselves to be mounted, and Rhaenys gave her dragon the signal.

The Ruby beast growled and spread their wings as Rhaenys heard the cheers of the smallfolk, and took that as her signal to fly. Cheers turned into screams as Melys crashed through the floor, roaring loudly as Rhaenys held onto the saddle tightly. The woman glared at the podium where the usurpers stood, and let a breath of relief at the lack of Rhaenys the Younger with them. In Rhaenys's mind, she had escaped and that was all that mattered, they would reunite on Dragonstone soon enough. And with that, the Queen that never Was flew to alert the rightful heir.


{A/N: sorry for the break :) I'm also not proud of this chapter but I'm back and the next chapter will be better :) happy and helpful comments are always appreciated}

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