Chapter Twenty-Two: Storms End

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{Storm's End, Shipbreaker Bay}

The journey had started off easily enough, a tearful farewell to her grandmother and cousin-sisters had been the most difficult task yet. But as Rhaenys and Seasmoke grew further from the safety of Dragonstone and closer to the uncertainty of Storm's End, the weather proved to be a challenge. As Seasmoke descended from the skies the clouds turned to grey and the heavens seemed to open. Although it was hard for Rhaenys to see where she was leading her dragon, she trusted they would get her to Shipbreaker Bay safely.

It was nearly dark when the dragon and rider landed in Lord Borros's courtyard. The ride was less than a day's journey and they would be back on Dragonstone by Dawn. Rhaenys dismounted from her dragon with a jump as Seasmoke shook the water from their scales, splashing the woman and approaching guards. Seasmoke growled in discontent and Rhaenys turned to comfort him. "Thank you, Seasmoke. Be calm, be calm" She had to shout over the sounds of rain and thunder, caressing the pearly scales of the beast with a gloved hand before turning to the guards. "I am Princess Rhaenys Velaryon, I demand an audience with Lord Borros Baratheon" the messenger spoke firmly, offering a charming smile as one of the guards ran ahead.

Just as Rhaenys was about to enter the castle, a deafening roar was heard over the thunder. A strike of lightening provided some light showing the outline of a beast making Rhaenys's blood run cold. Vhagar was here. Which only meant bad news once she stepped inside. The Pearl shook her head inwardly and continued to stride into the warmth of the castle halls.


"Princess Rhaenys Velaryon, my lord" one of the guards announced, Rhaenys standing in the centre of the large room. Lord Borros was an older man, known for the discontent of having four unmarried daughters and no sons. He remained sat in his Ancestral chair and kept his face neutral as Rhaenys bowed in respect. Not that she had to, her status usually requiring it to be the other way around, but to appease the man. "Lord Borros, thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I bring a message from my mother, Queen Rhaenyra" Rhaenys pulled the roll of parchment from her pocket and handed it to the closest guard, who all but ran to Lord Borros. Borros snorted as he received the message. "Yet earlier this day I received an envoy from the King. Which is it, girl? King or Queen? The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it" the older man laughed at his own words and Rhaenys bit her tongue to avoid saying something she shouldn't, her journey too important to mess up. Instead she gave a tight lipped smile. "I assure you, my Lord, the Queen knows her role perfectly well. It is the usurper who does not" She said with her smile remaining. The Baratheon maester shortly came scuttering in, glasses in hand.

The room was thick with tension as the Maester read her message to Lord Borros, who scoffed loudly. "Remind me of my father's oath? King Aegon at least came with an offer. My swords and banners for a marriage pact. If I do as your mother bids... which of your brothers will marry my daughters?" The cocky man snarked. Rhaenys looked to her left where the man indicated, looking at his four daughters all older than herself. If they were younger, Rhaenys would have considered Joffery, but she couldn't do that to her youngest brother. "My brother's are already betrothed, my Lord. But I will take it upon myself to secure fine matches for your ladies and offer them a high place in court as my Ladies in Waiting" Rhaenys offered, feeling bold despite not speaking with her mother about it. "So you come empty handed?" Lord Borros Dismissed his Maester and addressed Rhaenys directly.

"Go home, little girl, and tell your mother that the Lord of Storm's End is not some dog she can whistle up at need to take against her foes" Rhaenys bit her tongue once more, though much harder this time. She took a deep breath through her nose before smiling politely once more. "I shall take your answer to the Queen, my Lord. And this shall not be forgotten" She left out a curtesy this time, not deeming the man fit for one, and turned her back to walk to the exit. "Wait!" A familiar voice called out. The pearl of Driftmark felt the room turn cold as she turned to face her former betrothed.


"My lady Strong" Aemond greeted, bowing mockingly to his niece. Rhaenys growled at the name and held a hand to the dagger at her side. She had promised her mother she would remain a messenger, but she would not stand for anyone to stain her reputation. "Did you really think you could fly about the realm, trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?" Aemond spoke as though Rhaenys were a child, and she kept her stance firm. The one eyed Prince took out a steel dagger, allowing the light to reflect off of it. "I will not fight you Aemond, I came here as a messenger not a warrior". Aemond began to stroll leisurely towards his former betrothed and twirled the dagger in his hand. "A fight would be little challenge, sweet niece, no" he started, then paused to remove the eye patch over his face then tucking it into his pocket. "I want you to put out your eye, as payment for mine. I plan to make a gift of it to my new betrothed" Rhaenys looked past Aemond to see Ellyn Baratheon grimace at his words. Rhaenys gripped her grandsire's dagger tighter and shook her head at her uncle. "Your payment was the Queen of Dragons, Aemond. You said so yourself all those years ago, so no, you will not have anything from me" She hissed at the blonde man who pursed his lips at her words. "Then you are craven as well as a traitor".

Aemond began to stalk closer to Rhaenys, and Lord Borros felt the need to speak up. "Not here" his warning was ignored as Rhaenys began to step backwards away from the man. Aemond was furious, raising his dagger threateningly. "Give me your eye or I will take it Bastard!" He screamed, voice full of rage. He seemed so taken by his emotion that Rhaenys let out a shuddered breath, eyes wide and looked to Lord Borros desperately. "Not in my hall! The girl came as an envoy, I will not have bloodshed beneath my roof" the older man boomed, causing Aemond to stop in his tracks and Rhaenys to let out a sigh of relief. "Escort princess Rhaenys back to her dragon at once" Rhaenys did not wait for the guards as she all but ran back to the door. She regretted not accompanying Baela to weapons training when they were younger, she knew how to use a dagger- "stick them with the sharp end"- Jace had simplified, but other than that she knew nothing.

The Pearl beast roared anxiously as their rider returned to them, the rain falling even heavier than before. "We have to leave, Seasmoke, can you take us home?" Rhaenys spoke hurriedly as she mounted the saddle, not bothering to strap herself in. Seasmoke took off with a grumble and headed up into the clouds. However what the duo hadn't yet realised, is that they were not alone in the darkened skies.

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