Chapter 28 Infiltration

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Chapter 28 Infiltration

Despite He Fei's constant threats, Mu Sichen stayed in the hotel for three full days.

He contacted a friend from the same dormitory building to contact He Fei, and found that there was nothing unusual about He Fei except for a sprained foot.

He Fei even went to the company for an internship as originally planned, but only used his time at noon and evening to find Mu Sichen.

If He Fei really desperately searched for Mu Sichen, he would be able to find him soon without wasting time.

He Fei's life is routine, and finding octopus dolls seems to be just a hobby in his spare time. Judging from his daily routine, He Fei is neither addicted nor crazy.

He even went above and beyond!

Mu Sichen has been working part-time over the years, and also helped the employees of He Fei's internship company with some odd jobs.

He consulted an acquaintance who told Mu Sichen that He Fei was too good to be true.

Even though He Fei comes to work on crutches, it doesn't affect He Fei's performance at all. He Fei's eyes are very poisonous. No matter whether it is a document or a report, he can find the problem as long as he reads it carefully.

No matter how inconspicuous a typo, punctuation mark or decimal point, nothing escapes his sharp eyes.

Although the internship has only been a few days, He Fei has already become the auditor of their company, and everyone likes to ask He Fei to help find typos.

But according to Mu Sichen's understanding of He Fei, He Fei is not such a serious person at all.

He Fei is a person who writes about psychology as psychology when writing papers. He is always careless about things, and when he is anxious, he will wear two different shoes when going out. Asking him to do proofreading is simply killing him.

Nowadays, He Fei is serious and rational. Apart from sending messages threatening Mu Sichen from time to time, he behaves like a rational social elite.

This reminded Mu Sichen of Qin Zhou's title - "The Absolute Sage".

This is what Shen Jiyue told Mu Sichen.

He Fei's current performance in the company does not exceed his knowledge, but he has become precise, serious, and error-free.

This is exactly in line with Qin Zhou's title.

Through the information, Mu Sichen could feel He Fei's desire for the octopus doll. If he didn't have to do an internship, He Fei would have been looking for Mu Sichen day and night.

But because he had to work, He Fei suppressed this desire. He won't even stay up late to search, because staying up late will cause physical exhaustion and affect the next day's work.

Mu Sichen couldn't even tell whether this was mental pollution or personality transformation.

He did not enter the game immediately. Firstly, he did not know if he would be able to come out alive next time he entered the game. He wanted to live as long as possible. During the past three days, he ordered takeout whatever he wanted and never wronged himself.

Second, he wanted to observe He Fei.

The fact that the octopus doll followed Mu Sichen into the real world brought him a deep sense of uneasiness.

He couldn't help but think divergently, thinking that since Qin Zhou's power could invade the real world, is it possible that the power of other god-level monsters could be brought back by offline players?

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