A Yokai's Affection (Ami Han, aka White Fox)

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"So, are we there yet?" She rolled her eyes, her male companion asking the same question for about an hour. It was starting to irritate her, but even she had to admit that the one that contacted the Atlas agency was messing around with the two of them at this point. The duo of heroes had already changed location about five times because of apparent miscommunication from the staff members of the employer's company. It was unfortunate to know that most of her regular teammates were out doing their own personal agenda and she had to seek help elsewhere. Thankfully, Cindy Moon had recommended Spider-Man for the mission, which is why she was being followed by the male arachnid hero from New York.

"We should be there soon" She commented, ignoring the feeling of snapping at the hero that was helping her. She really couldn't argue with him about their situation. It was her mission to begin with and he had no way of controlling the actions of the people that were fumbling their coordinates. Though she really needed something to vent up this frustration she was feeling. "The next building could be used to scout our surroundings" She added, using her agility and her grappling gun to swing to the following building. It was quite tall, giving a perfect vantage point to see their surroundings and actually come up with a plan of attack to complete the mission. "Hopefully we will be able to capture these villains and be done with it"

"I hear ya, Fox" She rolled her eyes once more, yet did not say a single thing about the nickname that the hero gave her from her alias. It was quite endearing in some sort of manner, making her feel more trusting of her current partner for this mission. She climbed the walls of the building, using the claws that her suit provided her with. There was a soft sound that resounded through her ears, but she didn't stop to check what it actually was. She finished climbing the wall, her breath being slightly ragged as she stopped for a slight moment.

"You were saying something, Spider-Man?" She stopped to ask, her chest moving slightly erratic. She needed to calm down before the two of them could continue on their way. She was breathing so erratically by now that she looked back to check if the arachnid hero was also breathing heavily as she was. Yet, as soon as she looked back, she saw no one there with her. She raised a brow at that, taking a deeper breath as she tried to calm down a bit and actually think about what was happening. "Spidey?

It was then that she saw what actually happened, the cut web swung limply on the edge of the building. She opened her eyes for a bit, before she actually began to retrace back her previous path. She needed to hurry, her partner could be in danger, and she needed to help him. It was then that she began to run across the previous building surroundings, her eyes frantically searching for the arachnid themed hero that was accompanying her on this mission. It was then that her eyes caught the sight of a mangled Spider-Man, which may have happened because of the fall, being surrounded by a group of thugs smirking at the hurt hero.

She immediately acted, jumping down to attack the closest thug. Her claws impacting the shoulder of the man with the bat. She dug them deep, making the thug scream in pain and alerting the others. With her enhanced strength, she twirled the man around and sent him flying to the nearest wall while he collided with everything that was in the way. She looked back to the remaining group, her eyes forming a glare that could actually kill the thugs in question. She began to slowly walk to the group, her claws shining menacingly in the darkness of the alley.

"Shit! The spider has friends!" It was then that she lunged at the remaining three thugs. It was a bit hasty on her part, but she managed to deal with all of the thugs easily. She easily removed the blood from her claws, scoffing at the poor sight of the laid down thugs. She practically ignored them aside from the disgusted expression she would give them as she passed them by, her mind focused on looking at the hurt hero that was now reclining himself on the wall for support.

"W-Wow... Y-you sure s-showed them, Fox..." She smirked a bit, her eyes analyzing every inch of his body to see the damage. She could see bruises everywhere, blood seeping out of the few open injuries. Her eyes also caught the limp right arm of the arachnid hero, probably having it broken as he fell to the ground. His suit almost did not survive the fall, tears of the clothing everywhere. Even his mask had seen better days, one of his lenses was slightly cracked while the other was completely shattered, exposing parts of the face of the hero to her. And from what she could appreciate from the hero, he was not bad to the eye. "G-God... Everything h-hurts..."

"I'll treat you in the Atlas Agency... This mission was probably a trap" She helped the arachnid hero, forcing him to recline on her. Doing so elated a small grunt in pain from the male hero, which only made her try to go a bit slower with her actions. She didn't know the full extent of the damage, so she needed to do a full checkup as soon as she arrived at headquarters. Though thinking about that made her blush behind her half-mask. She was thankful that the mask covered her cheeks, making the groaning hero unaware that her face was slightly red for imagining him slightly nude for the checkup. She continued to help the arachnid hero out of the alley and into the streets where she could easily ask for help. Though she kept glancing at the hero, appreciating him visually. And while she kept wondering just how she would actually react to the checkup; people quickly surrounded the two and were asking her if she needed any help. She immediately took it, her eyes focusing on the hero that had inadvertently caught her eye for a bit. She hoped that help would arrive soon, her heart aching slightly at the sight of the man.

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