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It had been a fairly peaceful morning.

Jisung had woken up by the soft sunlight hitting his features and the sound of the door closing. Training his eyes to the bright atmosphere surrounding him didn't take him much time, considering how eager he was to see Minho awake once again.

At first he feared everything had been a simple dream but his expression relaxed as soon as he felt the boy next to him sitting against the headrest.

"Good morning." Minho's eyes had been settled on Jisung since the boy had first started stirring. He was smiling, so softly it was bearly noticable.

The corners of Jisung's lips curled up instantly. He stood out of the hospital bed to give Minho more room, but ultimately couldn't contain himself as he launched forward and embraced his boyfriend in a much needed hug.

"How're you feeling?" asked Jisung, arms still tightly wrapped around the older's torso.

"Better. I... had some time to think." Minho's answer was quiet, probably a product of the slight soarnes still present in his throat from both the crying and the lack of use of his vocal cords over the time he had been unconscious.

He didn't give it relevance, though. Minho wanted to talk to Jisung and a soar throat wasn't going to take that away from him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" the younger spoke after a minute of processing. His attitude had changed to a cautious one. The last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm Minho, but he also knew he wouldn't be able to handle it if his boyfriend shut him off and kept to himself.

"I thought about you. About how you stayed and how I don't deserve it, but also about how glad I am that you're still here." Jisung let go of the hug to meet Minho's eyes, but he never interrupted. "I'm sorry for what I di-"

"MINHO" if the loud bang of the door opening hadn't been enough to tell Felix had arrived, the freckled also made sure to shout his best friend's name before launching forward and practically throw himself on the older boy.

"Lix, be careful." reminded Chan as he entered the room, followed by everyone else. "Hey, guys!"

"Hey!" greeted Jisung, leaving his boyfriend's side to hug the boys one by one.

Minho, on the other hand, patted Felix's head with a little smile on his lips as the blonde snuggled his face in the crook of his best friend's neck.

"How are you? Did you eat?"

At first Minho was a bit hesitant, not sure if he deserved speaking to any of his friends, too scared of the possibility of them being mad for what he did. But his thoughts were cut short when a pair of strong arms hugged him tightly, crashing Felix a little bit in the process.

Changbin was letting out little shaky sobs by the older's ear as he embraced his friend for the first time in a while.

"I missed you so much, Min." quietly cried the shorter boy, tightening his grip around Minho.

Felix had scurried away sometime in between, not at all liking the idea of a slow death suffocated between Changbin's biceps, as inviting as that might have sounded.

The older hesitantly wrapped his arms around his friends torso as well, feeling so much better just from hugging Changbin. He was realizing that the fear of rejection his father had so deeply installed in him had been completely irrational when it came to his friends, because they would never leave him alone.

Minho's eyes watered as he squeezed Changbin tighter, mumbling 'I'm sorry's and trying his best to calm down before he would break down again.

Jeongin was the first one to join the hug, followed by Felix and Hyunjin, then a very hesitant Seungmin, who was scared to touch some medical shit he wasn't supposed to get close to; then Jisung and finally, to hold them all together, Chan.

The group was complete again. They were eight again, relieved immensely from the fear of maybe sometime having to become seven.

In this conditions it was practically impossible for Minho to not cry, even if they where tears of happiness for the first time in a while. He felt so safe and warm, such a refreshing feeling from everything else he had felt ever since his dad had made his deadly apparition that time.

He felt loved and truly cared for.


Jisung held the cupcake for Minho to eat, having insisted on feeding the man he loves until the older had just given in on his wish.

The doctors had come in during their massive group hug, kind of breaking the moment to bring some soft food Minho would be okay eating on his own- basically pumpkin puree and a cupcake. They were just testing his stomach, seeing what he could digest by himself first while still getting the rest of the nutrients he needed with the tube connected to his left arm.

Changbin then had made them swear absolute secrecy about the fact that he had actually cried, because his dark imagine would be broken or something like that, he had told the rest. They had laughed loudly while Minho had just pulled the short guy in for another very needed hug.

Felix was now in the middle of explaining for the second time why Soonie was evil in itself, very planned and structure kind of menace; while Doongie was just his servant and Dori was just plainly dumb.

"Listen to me, Min, it's like since you don't come visit Soonie had decided to actively torment my life." he said, moving his free hand around, the other one being firmly held by Hyunjin himself.

"Lix, my baby isn't satan. He probably hides your underwear in his sandpit by accident." he got the last bite of the cupcake, smiling at his boyfriend after it.

"Are you hearing yourself?? He even bribed Doongie somehow and now that guy also steals my socks while Dori just stares from his spot on the couch!"

"Ohh, I knew Soonie was smart, but that smart?" he said leaning towards Jisung unconsciously as the younger wrapped one of his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"He's learned from the smartest person I know, honey." spoke the brunette, pecking Minho on the cheek. The older blushed but tilted his face to kiss Jisung, smiling against his lips.

"Ew!" protested Felix, hiding his face in the crook of Hyunjin's neck and letting out some giggles that gave away how in reality he was just so happy for his best friend.

"By the way, Changbin, Felix," started speaking Minho, softly, hands playing with Jisung's own two, "how's work?"

"Oh, we quit."



hellooooooo I'm back

you can like kill me now or something hehe

I think spotligh is coming to an end


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