Haruka Nanase - Deep Pool

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"Please? Please? (F/N)-chan! We need you!" Gou pleaded desperately to you.

"Fine, I'll meet you at the pool after school.." You replied as you sighed in defeat. This was already her 10th time asking you this day...Gou smiled brightly and hugged you tightly before letting go.

"Thanks!" I'll see you later!" Gou screamed as she ran to class. You struggled a smile at her before you walked to your own class.

Matsuoka Gou, manager of the Iwatobi swim club at her high school. She was beautiful and bright, and she wanted you to join one day of swimming with her, just one day. You didn't have a problem with swimming, well one problem.

You hated the deep part of the water, where your feet couldn't touch the ground, where you could fall victim to the water and drown quickly. Other than that, you loved swimming. You kept think and wondering about it until the end of the day, which meant it was time. Time to go to the pool.

"Ah! (F/N)-chan! Over here!" Gou yelled as she waved her hand in the air at you. You saw and ran toward her, waving as well. "Excited?" She asked. You chuckled slightly. "More like nervous." You replied as you took a deep breathe in and out.

You went to change quickly into a plain and simple one piece. It was still very cute though, it was (Favorite Color) which you loved. You exited and you stood next to Gou, playing with your fingers nervously.

"Ah! Makoto, Haru! Over here!" Gou said as she gestured the guys to come toward you two. The two taller boy came up and stopped in front of you. One was slightly taller than the other and he smiled gently at you, while the boy with the black hair stared at you before turning his gaze to the water.

"What's up Gou-Chan?" The taller male asked.

"Makoto, this is my good friend (L/N) (F/N), she's trying swimming today because I begged her." Gou replied chuckling. "(F/N), this is Tachibana Makoto."

"N-nice to meet you Makoto-Kun!" You said to him. He smiled at you sweetly.

"Nice to meet you as well (F/N)-chan! Oh, this is my friend Nanase Haruka, Haru, this is (L/N) (F/N)." Makoto said as he introduced us.

"Do you like water?" Haru asked from out of no where.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Water's nice." You replied a bit confused at why we would ask you that.

Soon, you met the whole swim team, Makoto, Haru, Rei, and Nagisa. They were the sweetest people on earth! Well, Haru barely spoke to you but he always swam in the water. You liked to watch him swim elegantly through the waters.

"Okay! (F/N)-chan! Time for you to go into the water!" Gou yelled out as she blew her whistle and smiled at you sweetly. You sweat dropped and nodded at her before you stuck your feet into the water first. Soon you got into the pool and the water rested at your waist line.

"(F/N), go swim toward Haru and the boys, over on that end." Gou said as she pointed to the boys who were on the deeper side. You went pale and you turned back to Gou. "Come on (F/N)! You can do it!" She exclaimed.

"Let me climb onto the floor and walk over to them." You said nervously as you tried to climb up the ladder. Gou stopped you though.

"No, no. (F/N), you have to swim over there!" She said as she wouldn't let you pass. Now, you started pleaded and begging.

"Please? I can't do this!" You cried and you clutched onto the ladder. Gou shook her head at you.

"Nope! You can do it!" She replied. You started crying and wailing by the stairs, you weren't crying tears but you were basically screaming and yelling for your life. You dreaded the deep part pool.

"I can't! I'm scared! Let me stay here!" You yelled as you swam back to the more shallow side.

Haru seemed to notice your fear of the deep pool, he was upset at you didn't like the deep pool. He started to swim to you particularly slow, to catch more of your emotions.

"Haru? What are you doing?" Makoto asked. Haru didn't answer, instead he popped up in front of you in the shallow side and he stared at your scared state.

"I'll help you." Haru said to you with no emotions on his face, but he actually felt bad that you couldn't enjoy the water as much as he could because of your fear. He offered you his hands that you stared at hesitantly before placing your soft small hands onto his.

"I'm scared." You replied as he started walking toward the deeper side of the pool. Your heart started to beat faster and faster as the two of you started approached the deep side.

"Just trust me, hold onto my hands." Haru said as he took you to the deep end. You could no longer touch the ground with your feet and you started to freak out a bit more.

"Haru, I'm scared!" you screamed softly. He smiled at your reaction and he pulled you all the way to the deep end where Makoto was. "What am I supposed to do?" You asked as you held onto the edge of the pool.

"We'll teach you."

As the next few days went by, Haru, Makoto, Rei, and Nagisa helped you learn how to swim in the deep part of the pool, from started off floating and treading to learning the different strokes. You were starting to enjoy the deep pool and Haru saw your smile when you swam around all over the pool.

"Thank you Haru, for helping me." You replied as you have the male a hug. You were extremely happy that you could enjoy the pool without being scared. Especially, you loved the pool so you could spend time with him. You loved how he was on the water, he was so 'free'.

"I just wanted you to love water like I do." Haru said as he hugged you back then he pulled back.

"I love the water as much as you. Thank you so much."
Okay, what did you think of my first oneshot for this book? Was it okay? I just randomly had this idea and I decided to start writing for it.

If you liked it please vote, like, and comment so I can read what you guys think about this chapter. It means a lot to me because I love reading your comments, they really make my day.

If you liked this book, check it my other books that I've been writing. I'm sure you'll enjoy them! I try to update all of my books at least once a week!

Thanks again for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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