Makoto Tachibana - 'Date'

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It was a beautiful winter morning, you got into your winter uniform with a soft (Favorite Color) scarf wrapped around your neck.

You were going to go on a different route today, you wanted to see the kitty that greeted you the day before, to check on it.

Makoto was up and ready in his jacket, over his school uniform. He left the house and went to go check on the white cat that he always greeted, but instead he saw a young lady petting the cat.

Her (Hair Color) hair framing her face, the (Eye color) eyes that sparkled in the bright winter snow. Makoto to didn't realize, but he was staring at her.

You noticed a young man from the corner of your eyes so you decided to greet him, "Good morning! I'm sorry, is this your cat? She's very beautiful." You said to him as you gave the cat one last pet and stood up to greet the man once more.

"Good morning as well! No, she's not my cat, I always greet her in the morning but I see you beat me to it." Makoto said rubbing the back oh his neck.

"My name is (L/N) (F/N), but you can call me (F/N). Nice to meet you!" You said as you stuck your hand out for him to shake. You took it, and gave you a shake.

"My name is Tachibana Makoto, you can call me Makoto. Nice to meet you as well," he replied as you smiled. "Oh, do you want to walk to school together? It seems that we both go to Iwatobi."

"Sure! That would be nice!" You replied happily. Makoto smiled at you.

"Let me go get so,body really quick." He said as he ran up the stairs into a house. Soon he came back with a boy with black hair. "(F/N), this is Nanase Haruka, but I call him Haru."

"Nice to meet you Nanase-kun!" You said as the three of you made your way to school.
As the teacher was giving their lesson, you didn't bother to pay attention, so you drew in your notebook. Makoto was near the front of the class while you were in the back.

He turned around and you both looked at each other, he gave you a wave which you replied back with a wave and you continued to sketch in your notebook.

'What a sweetheart!' You said in your mind, but you had a small smile that Makoto saw.

When class ended, Makoto came up to you.

"Hey!" He said cheerfully. You smiled at him.

"Hey Makoto!"

"Umm, so I was wondering if you wanted to walk home together?" Makoto asked sheepishly. You chuckled at him.

"I would love to, where did you want to meet up?" You asked.

"Can you come by the swim club after school? At the pool." Makoto asked. You nod.

"Sure, see you then!"
You made it to the pool after school and you see the four people in the pool, doing laps back and forth. You stood and rested you back against the wall.

"Hi!" You turn your head to the right and you were greeted by a young lady with a maroonish hair color.

"Hey!" You replied.

"What brings you here? You want to join the swim club?" She asked excitedly.

"I'm waiting for Makoto." You replied. She gasped loudly and shook your shoulders, causing everybody to look at the both of you.

"YOU'RE DATING MAKOTO?" She gasped really loud. "MAKOTO'S GIRLFRIEND!"

"N-No! You got it all wrong! We're just walking him together!" You reply.

"She right Gou-Chan," You turn around and you were faced with Makoto. "were walking home together because we live close together." Makoto said with a tint of blush on his cheeks.

"I see.." Gou said placing her hand in her chin, in deep thought. Makoto and I sighed in relief. "Your going on a date! AHA!" Gou explained.

You sighed and nodded, Makoto a bit surprised. You looke at him before saying, "Just roll with it." He nodded,
"See you guys tomorrow!" You waved as you walked him with Makoto and Haru.

Makoto and you made small talk here and there, then Haru started walking faster.

"Haru?" Makoto asked.

"You guys are on a date, I should leave you alone. I'll be in the tub." Haru said before he was already out of your sights. Makoto sighed.

"In the tub?" You asked confused.

"He always sits in the tub, he can't get away from water." Makoto explained. You nodded.

"I guess Haru's along with Gou on this 'date' thing." You say. Makoto chuckles.

"I don't mind going on a date with you though." Makoto admits. A blush spreads across your face.


"Let me take you out on Saturday. I know I just met you, but we'll get to know each other." He smiled at you. You smile back and nod.

"I'd like that."
Yay, finished it.

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