Nagisa Hazuki - Long Distance

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Shortish Chapter Ahead
"I miss you (F/N)-chan." Nagisa says as he holds his phone in front of him, currently laying down on the bed.

"I miss you too, don't worry I'm coming back soon." You said as you were on the couch.

Nagisa and you were having a long distance relationship. You were in America, studying abroad for a year and it has been 8 months already.

You both video chat every other Friday, to catch up on what each other were doing. You missed him terribly, same goes to him.

Nagisa always talked about you to Makoto and the team, they didn't mind it though because they knew how much he missed you. You in the other hand talked about Nagisa to your friends too, you showed them pictures of Nagisa and how you would always 'squeal' when you saw his picture.

About two months had passed and you were going back to Japan in a week or two. You wanted to surprise Nagisa so you came up with a plan. You were on your phone, waiting for Nagisa to pick up.

"Ah! (F/N)-chan!" Nagisa said happily as he answered the call.

"Hi Nagisa-kun. I have bad news, my trip home has been delayed so I won't be coming until next week." You lied. You felt bad, but this way you could surprise him. He didn't answer for a minute or two,

"Really? That's a shame..I was ready to see you.." He said sadly. He cringed at his voice because you were hit with guilt.

"Well, I have to go now. I love you." And you hung up and started to pack your things, for your flight home tomorrow. "I'll see you soon." You said to yourself.
"Nagisa? Are you okay? You're not" Makoto asked as they went to swimming practice.

"No, (F/N)-chan was supposed to come home this week but she's coming home next week." Nagisa replied looking at the water.

The whole swim team knew about your plan, except for Nagisa, they all tried their best to keep it a secret from him.

"Well, you survived a year, a week isn't too long." Makoto said patting Nagisa on the back.

"Makoto's right! She'll be here before you know it!" Gou replied.

Nagisa smiled a bit and nodded.

"Thanks guys."
You were on the plane, going back to Japan. You looked out the window and waited until you arrived in Japan. Makoto was going to pick you up and take you to his house. Good thing Makoto and them were on break from school.

You fell on the plane and a few hours later, you woke up to the night lights. You figured out that you landed in Japan. You were super excited and you grabbed your things and headed toward you were going to meet Makoto.

You were walking around a bit confused until you heard a voice,


You turned toward the voice and you saw Makoto waving at you, with haru on the chair next to him. You smiled and ran to go greet the boys.
"Ready?" Gou asked you.


Rei asked Nagisa to meet him in town so they could hang out, but actually you were going to meet Nagisa. You were nervous and you had butterflies in your stomach, it had been a year without Nagisa, you were scared his feelings changed.

Nagisa was patiently waiting for 'Rei', it had been a couple minutes since he was supposed to be there but he wasn't. He felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Here you are I was-" Nagisa cut himself off and his eyes widened. He stared at you for a few seconds before he picked you up and spun you around, kissing you all over the face. You both laughed and people watched the two reunite.

"I missed you!" You said in your should as he slowly placed you down.

"I missed you too." You replied as you hugged him. He pulled away and grabbed your hand.

"Well, let's go on a date."

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