Older Brother!Nitori - Notice us Rin!

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Request from: @MarchingMacarons 

I hope I met your expectation, sorry if I didn't. Enjoy!

Note: You're a first year in the story!


It was a warm spring day, you had no clubs to attend in the afternoon and luckily no sports practice for you. Following your brother's footsteps, you joined the girl's swim team and adored it. Somebody you adored the most was The captain of the Samezuka boys swim team, Matsuoka Rin.

Rin was your senpai, your number one senpai. The first time you had seen him was when you came to watch your brother swim and you had seen their swim relay, it was nothing like you had seen before. Rin swam so, amazing.

You took all the chances you could to get Rin to notice you because having him go to an all boys school, you didn't see him a lot.

Today, you ran from your high school all the way to Samezuka and into the pool area where you saw your brother standing near the pool.

"Aii-nii! Is Rin-senpai here today?" You asked, eyes sparkling with anticipation. Nitori (i'm just going to call him that unless other people are talking to him) jumped when he heard your voice but he didn't mind one bit about you being here.

"Rin-senpai is over there." Nitori pointed over to the end of the pool where Rin was and you squealed in delight. Grabbing your brother's hand you pulled him over to where Rin was. "Come on Aii-nii! We can get Rin-senpai to notice us today!"

As you were getting closer to Rin, you reached out your free hand towards him. "Rin-senpa-"

"Sousuke," Rin walked right passed you and Nitori, not noticing a thing. You froze in your place as you turned your head to look at Rin who was walking toward Sousuke.

"He didn't notice us..." You wailed as Nitori patted your shoulder, calming you down. "Hey, hey, we can always try again." He replied with a happier mood, making you feel better.

"You're right. Yosh, here I go again."


Multiple tries. Multiple failed tries. Not once has he noticed you or Nitori, you were so close to giving up, but you knew you could get Rin-senpai to just notice you.


"Oi! Momo! Get swimming already!" Rin turned the other direction and walked away while Sousuke came up to you.

"Trying to get him to notice you?" You nodded and Sousuke placed a hand on your shoulder. "Do you know how to help me?" He nodded and leaned down to get whisper to you.

"Go talk to Momo and distract him from swimming."

"Are you sure it will work?" You looked around and noticed that Momo was slowly going to the pool, a pout on his face. Looking back at Sousuke, he nodded and pushed you toward Momo.

"Aii-nii!" You gestured your brother toward you and whispered him the plan to which he nodded. "Alright, here I go."

You walked up behind Momo and tapped his shoulder. When he turned around you looked at him and gave him an angelic smile that caused him to blush.

"Hi Momo-kun!"

"(F/N)-chan!" He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up off the ground, the two of you have a nice friendship and it was always nice to see each other. Actually, that goes for the whole team. You looked up at Nitori and nodded, Nitori nodded back.

"Momo! Rin-senpai told you to start swimming! Let my sister down!" He said loud enough for Rin to hear. Rin's ear perked up and he turned around irritated at Momo. But his face relaxed when he saw you and Nitori.

"Oh, hey (F/N)-chan." You looked at Nitori and smiled cheekily as you got the plan to work. You ran right in front of Rin and smiled up at him. "I did it!"

He gave you a puzzled look as he raised a brow. "You did what?"

"I got you to notice me! And Aii-nii!" Flowers of moe floated around your head as Rin looked at Sousuke, who shrugged and gave him a smile.

"Ah, is that so? How long have you been here?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"About an hour, am I that hard to notice?"

Rin chuckled and ruffled your hair, "I'm just distracted by a lot of things that I don't notice people around me."

"Aww, well notice me more then! And Aii-nii! He works really hard!" You pouted and Rin playfully flicked your forehead. "Hey!"

"Don't worry (F/N)-chan, I've been watching Ai swim, he's progressing very well." You smiled and jumped in joy.

"Aii-nii, did you hear that?!" Nitori turned and looked at you from across the pool. "Rin-senpai said you're progressing very well! Good job!" You waved widely at your brother and Nitori blushed slightly. You were such a bundle of joy.

"I have been progressing well too Rin-senpai!" Rin stood there while you told him all of your swim stories and how you were doing so good on the swim team. He didn't mind one but about listening to you talk, you were passionate about it.

At the end of the day Nitori and you walked home in joy as the plan to get Rin to notice you was a success. 

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