Seijuro Mikoshiba

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Request from: @EritreaYunani

Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's a bit short!


Everybody on the swim team or even people who knew Seijuro Mikoshiba knew that he had a major crush on you. Whenever the said male would get asked if he likes you, he never denied the fact that he liked you.

You saw him a lot, since you were his friend. He loved asking you out to coffee or to come accompany him to watch Samezuka's swim events.

The thing was, he asked you out multiple times. Each time you nicely let him down, but it never faltered his attitude or the way he was toward you. He would always smile and nod, not giving you a single complaint.


"I really like you (F/N)-san, please go out with me."

You took a step back as the sudden words registered into your mind. In front of you was Seijuro Mikoshiba, who bowed slightly at you, waiting for a response. Looking up, he noticed you're shocked state and stood back up.

"I-I'm flattered Seijuro-kun, but I don't really like dating. I just don't like being in a relationship." You give him a nice smile and slightly bow at him, thanking him.

"Well, I'll continue to like you anyways! You're an amazing person, I'll wait for you." You looked up at him and rose a brow. "What are you saying?"

"We don't have to be in a relationship if you don't want to. As long as you're here i'll be good." He gave you a sweet smile and you couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks Seijuro."


Even though the two of you weren't dating, it sorta looked like you both were dating. You would visit him time to time and he would bring you one single flower from time to time because you had told him one day that you loved single flowers.

It was like a regular thing, he would just give you a flower and you would quickly accept it like it was nothing. It was something he loved about you, you always accepted his flower with a smile.

"You're so pretty when you smile (F/N)-san." Your face began to heat up as you looked at him. Seijuro gave you a smile and handed you a flower which you accepted with your trembling hands.

"Just letting you know I like you."

Whenever Seijuro said those words to you, your lips would curve into a smile. No matter how many times he said it, each time you would smile. It was something everybody could see.

"Do you want to go out with me?" Letting out a happy sigh, you shook your head at him once again.

"Seijuro, you know I'm not into dating." You have him a smile and continued to work on whatever you were working on. Him asking these questions never bothered you anymore, it was sort of relaxing hearing it from him though. It was a sign that he still loves you.

"I know, I thought you would say yes. But hearing you say no is nothing new. As long as you're still with me I'll be good."

"Then why do you keep asking me?"

The said male smiled and shrugged, making you raise a brow. "I just feel like when we start going out, we'll be a complete couple. Like official." You sat down next to you, resting his elbows on his knees flashing you another smile.

"Who knows, maybe one day I'll say yes." His eyes widened and he glimpsed you into a hug. "S-Seijuro?"

"I can't wait for that day then."

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