Haruka Nanase - Mornings

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Request from @sugawara14

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Thanks and enjoy!


"Hello? Makoto-kun?"

"Aha, (F/N)-chan, did you by any chance leave your house yet?" Makoto asked you.

"I'm just left the house, did you need anything?"

"Can you run to go check on Haru for me?"

"Oh, sure. But why?"

"I had to leave my house early to go do some work for school i didn't finish and I don't have time to go back and check on him." Makoto explained.

"It's fine, I'll go check on him. See you at school Makoto-kun."

"Thank you (F/N)-chan!" Makoto chirped before he hung up the phone. You put your phone in your bag and you turned the corner to go to Haru's house. You sighed as you approached Haru's house, you knew how hard it was to get him out of his house, the tub especially.

You went to the back of the house and entered with the spare key Haru left Makoto and you. You took your shoes off and placed them nicely against the wall as you came into the house. You walked up the stairs and turned some corners and you found yourself outside of the bathroom.

"Haru? Are you in there." You asked, not wanting to peek into the bathroom incase Haru wasn't wearing his swim trunks.

"Yeah." He replied, loud enough for you to hear.

"Makoto-kun told me to come check on you. He has to leave early to go to school. Come on, we have to leave soon."

"But I don't want too."

"Haru, come on! We have class to attend!" You whined and you received no answer. You sighed hung your head back for a few seconds before bringing it back. "Excuse the intrusion." You said before you entered the bathroom.

Haru looked as you as he sat in the bathtub, with his swim trunks on. You mentally sighed happily as you saw that he had his swim trunks on, you weren't ready to see him naked anytime soon. You walked over to him and crouched down as you propped your elbows on the edge of the tub.

"Come on, let's go." You asked softly, hoping he would agree.

"I want to stay in the water."

"If you go to school you can go to swim practice. There's a nice big pool for you there." You replied back, catching Haru's attention.

"Okay." You smiled and stood up, waiting for him to stand up as well. Instead Haru splashed water onto you and your blazer, causing it to get wet.

"H-Haru! My Blazer! I need to wear this to school!" You complained as you turned around and took a towel pressing it against you blazer trying to soak up the water. You heard Haru get out of the bathtub and you felt him press behind you, his wet body soaking your blazer some more. Your face turned red as you blushed, having him so close to you.

But instead of having a shoujo moment you turned around and moved Haru to the corner as you took your blazer off.

"Look, you got my blazer all wet! Now I can't wear it." You said puffing out your cheeks. Haru sighed and walked toward you again.

"Come on, I'll give you mine." Haru said as he took your hand and walked into his room and got you his blazer that was too big. It went past your finger tips and it reached all the way down to your thighs.

"Thanks." You replied as you rolled up the sleeves once or twice. "I'll be downstairs making you some breakfast so you can finish changing."


Haru came downstairs and you set a plate of your amazing mackerel dish on the table in front of him.

"Hurry and eat up, school starts in 15 minutes and we still have to walk to school." You said as you began to eat from the plate you made yourself. "Itadakimasu."

Haru stared at the plate you made him and he when he ate a piece of the mackerel, his eyes sparkled. It was perfect.

"What? Is it bad Haru?" You asked as you put some rice in your mouth. He shook his head at you. "Then what?"

"It's so perfect." Haru reached across the table and grabbed your hands as he looked into your eyes. "Live with me and cook for me everyday."

You looked at him and gave him an awkward smile before you leaned forward and kissed him on the lips and sat back down.

"If i have to go through this everyday just to get you to go to school, I'm good." You replied letting go of Haru's hand and continued to eat your food. You looked at him and he had a 'not impressed' look on his face which made you let out a laugh and a smile.

"I'm joking. I can't live with you now, but I'll make sure you come to school everyday so you can get a good education so we can have a good future together." You said as Haru gave you a small smile. He leaned and gave you another kiss.

"I can't wait for that future then. The future of us."

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