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You better dig in soon and eat that. Because I'm not leaving



"but I'm.....not hungryy!-"As soon as he said that his stomach growled in protest. LIke it was trying to tell her 'don't listen to him!' and ' Feed meee!'

Yosano eyed him "not hungry?"

"I- ...Yo-" Dazai looked up. Trying to convince her with his puppy eyes.Only to find her glaring at him. Like GLARING glaring.

"Fine..."mumbling, he started to pick up his chopsticks while mentally cursing at his stomach for being loud.

'If you hadn't been loud I wouldn't have to eat.....grrr...'

His empty eyes landed on the mochi first.Picking it up he nibbled some of it up,like he was trying to test its taste.

What Yosano thought he was doing was completely different from what he was actually doing.You see what she thought was: ' being picky huh?' and what he was actually doing was: ' I wonder if I can actually eat this without throwing up....'

You might ask: why not just tell her? well you see....Dazai Osamu is a very stubborn man and he doesn't want anyone's pity.So if he tells anyone it means that they are going to feel sorry for him and blah blah blah

So basically he's not going to tell her.So in conclusion,he has to shove the food and force it down his throat to not raise suspicion.

And that was exactly what he did.

Dazai pov:

'I might throw up eating this......'

'But Yosano-sensei might be suspicious if I keep nibbling off the sides.I guess I should just go for it....'

Shoving it in my mouth I tried chewing it as best as I could.Quickly swallowing it and instantly regretting it.

'Pathetic.I can't even eat food.I also got caught.Pathetic pathetic......'

I grabbed another one and popped it into my mouth before my body could reject the mochi from earlier.

I did this until there was nothing else on the plate.

"finished?" Yosano-sensei asked without looking up from her phone she pulled out. I dont really know when but I'd have to guess a few minutes ago.Knowing that the phone isnt very hot by looking and feeling some waves of the electronic and adding and multiplying it by 5 its pretty basic math.

I nodded in excitement.

"took you long enough"she said while smirking. I raised a eyebrow ' took that long?....No way I couldnt have...'

" how long DID I take yosano sensei?" I finally asked.Well I probably didnt take that long-

" 2 hours and 30 mins"

'WHAT?????? 'ok ok I take my words back but 2 HOURS AND 30 MINS? that's way too long!

"I- HUH?"

"Yup! I was wondering if you'd ever finish 5 mochi and 4 sushi's"

" I - but- I swear that it was only like- 30mins!"

" yea yea 30 mins"


" No. But I'm leaving.So I'll be taking ur plate." Pouting I turned my head to face the window next to my bed and swiftly avoided her hands and hid it behind my back.


The door swinged closed as Yosano-sensei left,leaving me alone. With all her knives......But eventually I DID give her the plate back. After she brutally hit me in the head with her heel.

3rd pov:

Dazai's gaze was soon fixed on the knives that he was left in the room with.And boy it was a BIG mistake leaving him with all those knives.

After debating a long time on whether he should or should not get those knives,Dazai shook his head.

'Ok let's see.If I get them then i'll feel a LOT better.If I don't then i'll 'heal' or whatever that is' standing up he finally decided

I will get those knifes

A/n: GUYS!!! I have literaly NO MOTIVAION!!! So I might not write a lot but I HOPE U CAN FORGIVE ME IF I DONT WRITE A LOT! 

oh and also if u didnt know already:

' <---- that means thinking          and

"<----That means speaking so yea 

And nothing meansaction probably most of the time.But anyways see u in the next chapter!!! 

( ehem idk when Im gonna make it tho.)

Faded Happiness {Dazai angst}Where stories live. Discover now