Letting it out?

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(while that's happening......here's what's happening in the Port Mafia..,,.....

*In the middle of a meeting*

*CHuuya's phone* buzz buzzzz bzuz buzz buzzzz BUZZZ BZZZ buzzz............

'What the hell.....?'

Chuuya's eyes widened as he saw......"ANE-SAN ANE-SAN!"Chuuya suddenly shouted, startling everyone that was near him."Chuuya?What's wrong?" Kouyou asked in a worried tone.



"I think all those hours with Dazai finally got to his brain."


Annnnddd that's what's happening....chaos well i'm not telling everything so yea....onto the story...)

"I need to talk to you guys".








"hm?" Ranpo replied.Still munching his snacks. "Yes President?" Yosano asked.
"You guys all know why you guys are here right?"


"no not really-"

Sighing,Fukuzawa placed a hand on both their shoulders.

"Tell me.......about...Dazai....what happened to him?..."


Readers....if you're thinking :"why not tell him?" well you see....Yosano and Ranpo had made a promise with the brunette.If they broke that promise?......Well we don't really know what's going to happen to them....(including me~) For all we know we might find them laying on the hard cold floor of Dazai's basement,lifeless...

"I won't tell anyone...."

Finally giving in,Yosano sighed. "Fine...we'll tell you....."

"but if you tell this to anyone.......even if your our boss and the president...you're dead....(Basically Yosano's way of saying "If you do then we'll be dead so please don't!!!")

With a look in her eyes Yosano slowly moved closer.Bit by bit scooching over to the silver wolf,who was absolutely terrified.Ranpo did too,Except less seriously.

While that was happening,Fukuzawa had waited patiently....what had happened to the poor bandaged man?Is he okay? Has he been eating well? Why does Ranpo and Yosano look so scary and terrifying all of the sudden?Lots of questions had entered his head.

So he was getting a bit impatient.


"Dazai is self-"

With a quick glance Yosano gave Ranpo a look.DId he not remember?

FLashback....(and yes I wanted a flashback)

Dazai smiled waiting patiently for Yosano and Ranpo to calm down(mostly Yosano) He had grabbed both of their mouths and wrapped them with some tape,firmly then after taped their arms and legs...........In the middle of the road.......With a bunch of people watching him like he was crazy- BUT ANYWAY so he had kidnapped them and dragged them back to the agency.

THey were currently sitting on the couch with Dazai facing them.With a menacing face.

"Soo!Ranpo-san! Yosano-sensei~!"

SItting with a concerned face (For themselves) they stayed quiet.WOndering if he was going to kill them.

As the little brunette got closer and closer to their faces he had whispered

"If you tell anyone about me and this little sticky~ problem we have....~I wouldn't mind killing you~!" He backed away while quickly regaining his usual composure.

"Well that's all~OH and Ranpo-san~ Still up for that candy robbery?If so,meet me at the part at 6:00!~"Throwing a pair of scissors near them he had walked away.Leaving Ranpo and Yosano terrified and questioning their life decisions


Ranpo quickly cleared his throat.Leaving The president confused.

Starting again he said...

"Ehem...well I mean Dazai is doing....Veeeeryyy well....(Yea sure...) But is currently lacking a lot of sleep...."

"Yea yea!!! um *Whispering in Ranpo's ear* you're a genius Ranpo. " pulling away the doctor said something very calmly.It was almost as if she wasn't lying at all ( or that she was terrified )

"Dazai has insomnia....It makes it hard for him to sleep.......Maybe that's why....."

"Maybe?! I thought you were the doctor here Yosano"

"I MEANT I think that's why...."

Fukuzawa raised an eyebrow."Are you sure?"

THey quickly nodded

"Well I guess I do have to believe you..."

As they were talking more about how insomnia works and about the brunette's condition...Another figure was standing in the doorway....Terrified...What had happened? Deciding to run away instead of showing themselves,THey tripped on their foot with a thunk.Causing everyone in the room to look outside....

With a shaky voice the figure had asked....

"I-is that true...?"

Faded Happiness {Dazai angst}Where stories live. Discover now