And..You Are?...

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...The picture....


Also that was my background for like- 3 months or smth idk-:))

"Dang...maybe you really ARE a genius..."

"Of COURSE I am" Ranpo scoffed "It's just that SOME people are just too dumb to figure that out!" Ranpo said with a playful glare on his face while at the same time leaning on his hand which was ALREADY leaning on the table. While TOTALLY NOT directing that at Yosano.

The doctor sighed

"Yes yes whatever you say 'genius'"

Yosano threw her chainsaw behind her back. Not really caring where it went,( or where it was going), it unexpectedly (I SPELLED THAT RIGHT-) landed on the couch.

Ranpo's mouth was wide open dangling, almost touching the floor. (He crouched down to make it touch but got too tired and hovered instead.)

"Y-Yosano-san... the couch- I PAID FOR THAT-"


(Okok im sorry no more distractions:))

"Well at least it wasn't the window-"

(Why do these two never follow the script?-)

"Uh-huh and author, why do YOU always keep telling the idiots about my ways?!" Ranpo yelled. (SEE? THis is my point never following the script-)(*le gasp* and how DARE YOU CALL THE READER'S IDIOTS?-)


(How does he keep cutting me off over text? 😭😭)(Like how I cut myself-)

(IM sorry)

(Ehem back to the story)

"....SOooo the couch?" A Yosano scratched her head. Shrugging apologetically

"First off, I'm NOT paying for that. Well I mean if I DO get Poe's credit card then maybe but- ANYWAY- Second off, I am NOT the one who's gonna tell Mr.bodyguard about this." The detective said.

"I broke it once I didn't break it twice"

Silence followed.

Quiet. The agency room had never been this quiet. Everybody knew that. Everybody.

Except for a particular brunette. No, not the one who always eats candy and is super smart. No, not the one with the lemon bombs. (Wait how WOULD he know tho??? hmmmmm...)

Yup! It's our main source of audio. It's the one who's always whining about work. THe one who doesn't want to do paperwork, the one who's emotions- or- wait emotions? This brunette doesn't have emotions.....after all....he's not human...


"Yay! I don't have to use operation puppy eyes on Poe again!" Almost dropping his candy, the shorter brunette (Not shorter than Chuuya obvi:):):) sorry Chuuya-) jumped out of his chair and did a little victory dance.

While the doctor was rethinking her life decisions. Andd questioning Ranpo's ability to name things...they didn't realize a particular shadow near the door...

The shadow getting smaller and smaller. Unnoticeable....for an average person at least....

But even the genius in the room hadn't yet spotted the shadow lingering.....

As the two in the room were celebrating they didn't hear the whisper coming from the door..

"Maybe...I could use this to my advantage after all....."

No but the fact that every time i delete a tab this pops up in my face

No but the fact that every time i delete a tab this pops up in my face

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Like- Wdym more and more Isagi????

WHAT WERE YOU DOING- was Bachira wasn't it?:).....

Ily Enoooo!<33

(And also doesn't anybody wonder what's coming out from their eyes??? Like- is it inspiration??? Ego? IDK-)


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