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"Oh Yosano-sensei~ Ranpo-san~"

Everybody knows that Yosano is a great doctor! Amazing to be exact. Her ability suits the doctor role perfectly!

Yosano did love her office where she tortur- Ehem i mean to help people and heal them:)

But she never knew that the day would come where she herself would be sitting in her own office getting patched up by none other than the one and only Dazai Osamu himself.

I mean like- Who knew? This IS HER office.

Yosano pov:

Who knew that this time it isn't Dazai but it's me? And who knew that this childish man could be so terrifying? Anyway he would have DEFINATLEY have been Alive? (I really don't know this man anymore) if he didnt help me up and bandage myself.I mean afterall....It was HIM who did this to me.


Yosano had started backing up (on her butt- im sorry Yosano) terrified. While Ranpo took this chance of Dazai being distracted, to run and hide behind the confused Fukuzawa.


"Oh? President? What brings you here?" A 'Innocent ' voice started to ask the president.

"Ranpo? You called me?"


"PRESIDENT DAZAI IS BEING SCARY PLEASE HELP-" A frantic Yosano had screamed....just to be shut up again...only this time by TWO scary looks.


Ranpo had turned his glare on Yosano instead of the terrifying Dazai in the room

"Do you want help or not!?" Ranpo had yell whispered


Too late

Those two were already on her feet.

"why does this happen to me-"

End of flashback (I dont have any more ideas for it-:)

So thats what happened.....oh well...I still have no idea why they practically tried to kill me

As I watch Dazai carefully take the bandages out of the drawer I wonder....How DOES he know that I put my bandages in there?


"hm? Yosano-sensei?" With a curious glance he turned to look at me.

"You know....I've been wondering....How DO you know where I put my bandages?...

3rd pov:

It DID take him some time to respond but when he finally did the only words that came out was

"I do have my ways Yosano-sensei" The only concerning fact was that he had said it with a smile on his face when clearly a few seconds ago he was looking like a deer in headlights, scared for his life.

But only for a few seconds thats it.

Dazai really WAS a master at changing his emotions. He changed so fast that even Yosano the one who could really spot things in just a few seconds didnt see.

Yosano had a suspicious look in her eyes when she replied back. "Oh? Is that so?..."

Silence.The few words Yosano had said were the few words that echoed in the room before it went silent.As suspicious Yosano was to Dazai shedidnt spot anything weird. So she couldn't really say anything.On the other hand Dazai was freaking out.Even if he wasn't showing it on his face.

'How in the world did she find out? Does she know about the....'

The words felt like it lasted an hour in his head when, really it was only a few minutes.

Yosano broke the silence.

"Hey Dazai? Since you do know a lot of things, would you tell me something?"

Dazai has quickly plastered a smile on his face before he replied "Of course Yosano-sensei!What would you like to know?" WIth a smirk on his face he stepped closer to Yosano.Terrifyed was an understatement.

"Do you know anything about the strange disappearance of knives i've had lately?"

Dazai stood frozen with his fake smile still plastered over his face.

"Why would I take them Yosano-sensei?"

"Oh I wasn't accusing you Dazai...."

"Why would you ask me then?....."

"Just asking because you do seem to know a lot of things"

"Oh? But Ranpo-san is smarter than me? He must know more about this....." Dazai had mumbled out the last part.

"Why are you scared? COme on Dazai tell me your Secret"

A/n: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING:)):)):)!!!!!!!!!

I didn't have enough ideas!!! SORRY!!! I will post more now that I do have more ideas:)

Expect more chapters over the months!!!:) See you!

(Also can you guys come up with a name for you guys that I can call you guys? Like a group name- Idk what to call you guys:))

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