Wh-who Are You?

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"I-is that true...?"

With wide eyes Yosano and Ranpo stared at the open door.Just to see a pair of wide eyes staring back at them.

"H-how long have you been there.....Atsushi?..."

"I-I don't know m-maybe-"

"Five minutes."

Everyone turned to stared at Ranpo instead

"Whaaat?He WAS here for 5 minutes"


Atsushi finally broke the silence "n-nothing Ranpo-kun!"

" ḧmphhhh!"

Silence filled the room once again.Until-

"So...uh....Was it true...?" Yosano and Ranpo froze.They were terrified.I mean who knows what Dazai would do if he found out that his apprentice knows? He might even go as far as kill them.And unlike the bandaged brunette they didnt want to die that young.

"well er-"

Taking a breath Yosano put on her most serious face she could make.

"Of Course. Atsushi, did you seriously not notice anything different from Dazai lately? He doesn't talk that much like he used to."

Pausing a bit,she rolled her her eyes and continued on

"Well.....I mean now we don't have to hear his annoying voice all the time but....Don't you think something's wrong with him?"

Atsushi pov:

"Don't you think something's wrong with him..?"

Those words rang in my head. Staying in my head a bit.Yosano-san was right. How could I have not noticed? From before there weren't many things that were different from him but......there were obvious changes from Dazai-san from the last couple of days.

'how did you not notice Atsushi? You noticed how pale he was. Why didn't you confront him?'




I really messed up here didn't I...? I'm so sorry Dazai-san....











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3rd pov:

"Now Atsushi...Please don't tell Dazai anything about this ok?"

The Doctor finally broke Atsushi's stream of thoughts and worries. Nodding Ranpo had agreed with the Doctor.

"Yes Atsushi. YOU might not get killed but WE would definitely get killed."


'NO WAY Dazai-san would never do that right..?........Right?...'

Poor Atsushi I feel bad for him (I dont ,sorry Atsushi)









It was the next day when Dazai realized....

"Dazai-san! Do you ah- need help with anything?" Atsushi was desperately trying to find all kinds of ways to 'help' Dazai.

Dazai sighed

Dazai pov:

I sighed in frustration. WHat was going on with Atsushi-kun today?

But instead of ranting about it I smiled, slowly opening my mouth to talk. But the only words that came out was

"Nothing Atsushi-kun!Nothing at all!"

I had to ask it to him secretly

"Say, Atsushi-kun! Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" I darken my face into a serious one. Darkening my tone too.

"It's unlike you..."

Well....Not so secret anymore I guess......

A stuttering Atsushi-kun appeared in front of me


I raised a eyebrow



"UM! Yosano-san and Ranpo-san told me about your struggles.....About how you don't sleep well and stuff like that.....I don't want to make it any more troubling for you....So I wanted to help you a bit with your work..."

Kunikida snorted in the background, calling out to Atsushi

"Work? He actually does work?"

Yes...yes I know....I would normally say: "Oh come onnn~ KUnikida-kunnnn~~~ I dp my work! It's just that you don't see me!~"

But today was different.I was waayyy too focused on the part where Yosano and Ranpo came in.

I quickly turned around. Just to see them trying to sneak out of the building. I stood up and walked towards them.


(Im sorry)


(No Yosano wrong line)

"OKAY UHHHH PLEASE DON'T DAZAI!" Yosano said while pushing Dazai to the ground- you know what why am I even-


"oh yea-"

Standing up I walked towards them.

With a creepy smile I finally said

"Oh Yosano-sensei~ Ranpo-san~"

A/n :I'm not sorry that I haven't updated :) o ( ^u^ ) o

(I am okay? plz I dont wanna die like this)


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