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howdy yall! thank you for reading my story and i really hope you enjoy it! before you start reading i just want to tell you some things and set some ground rules!!

This story will be DC x reader but mainly centered around characters in Gotham/Batfamily. Y/N will be bisexual. If you don't like that then dni.

There will be serious and uncomfy topics such as gore, SA, murder, homophobia, racism, but it will have lots humor and stuff like that. Again, if you are uncomfortable with these topics then please dni!!!


1. please please please do not refer to me as 'author-san' or 'author-chan'. I am not Japanese and I don't like the idea of using their culture for aesthetic.

2. I love feedback, but please don't be mean with the way you give it. Try and be positive when you write it out! Idk how to say that without it sounding dorky lmao

3. idc what you guys put in the comments as long as it isn't hateful to the writing or to fellow readers (unless they are being racist, homophobic, etc.)

thank you for reading through the a/n! next up will be the the character profile/love interests


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