what the grilled cheese frick

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y/n pov

Billie was nervous. 

She looked unreadable, her shoulders were slouched and she had an internal conflict going through her head. 

I reached my shoulder out to her and signed to her under the table. "You okay?" She glanced at me and sent me a shaky grin. 

"Nice to meet you guys. I like your hair, Jason." Billie spoke out in a calmed voice as she took a breath, "Sorry about the outburst earlier. It just caught us off guard was all." She sent out a confident grin and clasped her hands together, sitting them on top of the table. 

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised. "Yeah. Not every day you get to meet almost all of the members of Gotham's favorite family." I copied Billie's smile as best as I could. 

I could see my mother sending us a soft grin, proud at our polite demeanor, and Ricky looking at us with a confused look. He was probably wondering when we became such ass kissers. 

"Oh, thanks. Its no problem, I get it, by the way. I like your Pearl Jam shirt. You a big fan?" Jason responded, slightly surprised but happy nonetheless.  

Billie grinned even bigger, "Oh yeah! I personally grew up in Washington. I love a lot of the 90's alt bands from there. Part of my history, y'know?" She laughed out airily. 

It was obvious Billie was flowing with happiness at the conversation with THE Red Hood. She had a big fat crush on him since she had started reading comics in around fifth grade. 

"Damn, that's pretty cool. You ever been to the gum wall?" Jason asked with a grin. 

Immediately Billie's smile fell, "Ew. No. Only hipster's go to the gum wall. Seattle health department has taken it down like five times in the past five years because some dumbasses kept sticking more gum on it. Its also hella nasty to be honest, 11/10 do not visit." She shuddered, remembering the horror stories she'd heard about it. 

He laughed loudly, "I agree. That was just a test." They continued chatting, including Stephanie into the conversations happily. 

 Ricky continued looking at us like we were weird. 'Well, we became ass kisser's that when we met the hottest fictional family ever conceived.' I thought to myself, answering his previous probable mental question. Seemingly understanding that simp mode had been unlocked, he rolled his eyes and did the finger in mouth vomit sign at me. 

The dilf, who I now realized was Bruce Wayne, smiled charmingly, "Well, it's wonderful to meet the both of you. You would know me as Bruce Wayne." He grinned. He had black hair (slicked back)as displayed in the comics, a rectangular faced shape, smile lines and slight wrinkles on his forehead as well as crows feet. He had a sharp jawline and cheekbones I am sure contained the capability of cutting glass. He also had some stubble, too. 

The woman next to him smiled, bouncing the little girl in her lap, "I'm Selina, Bruce's wife. You probably remember me from the gala about a month ago?" Her lips were painted a red tinted purple, and she had black sparkly eyeshadow on her eyelids paired with cat eye eyeliner, it went perfect with her unblemished hazelnut skin. Her hair was chin length and appeared to be 3c type curly. It was glossy and looked silky, a deep midnight black. 

I obviously did not remember the gala, so I smiled sheepishly and nodded, hoping she would believe me, "You looked really pretty, Ms. Kyle." She grinned at my response. 

"Thanks, kiddo. This little munchkin over here is Helena. Say hi, Helena." She directed her attention to the babbling toddler who couldn't be more than one or two. She had skin that was toffee colored, and her chubby cheeks were pink. Her curly dark brown hair were pulled into pig tails with one red ribbon and one black one. She wore a purple tutu paired with a matching shirt, and the cutest pair of maryjanes I had ever layed eyes on. I noticed that instead of Bruce's blue eyes, or Selina's bright green, she had a pair of warm hazel orbs. 

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