wow stephanie

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As the laughter carried out, he had simmered down a bit. He muttered a bit but was nevertheless less annoyed since the atmosphere had become less serious than before.

The double doors were opened fully and a woman appeared, pushing a cart covered in trays of food.

She wore a white blouse with a black bow tied around the neck, black slacks, and simple black heels. Her hair was very dark brown and pulled into a chignon, and not a strand of hair was out of place. She appeared to be in her mid to late 30s, with very slight crows feet and light smile lines. Her skin was unblemished and she was a model worthy type of pretty.

Their mother turned her head quickly at the sight of the food with an elegant smile, masking her hunger and excitement to have the food soon. "Oh, Valentina, thank you so much for bringing us the food! You are such a lifesaver, I'm starving." She smiled wider and nearly squealed when Belgian waffles were placed in front of her.

Valentina smiled softly, "No need to thank me for doing my job, dearie." She had a really pretty accent, maybe Dominican? I felt bad for her for having to serve everybody all alone, so I got up and helped her dish out the food to everybody, and set some toppings for the food down in the center of the table.

She looked at me with an eyebrow raised but didn't say anything. She shrugged it off it seems, because she shooed me to my seat and set a pitcher of orange juice down, as well as one filled with what I assumed was black coffee. Just what I need, tbh. I looked around and grabbed the pitcher, filling up the big glass cup in front of me to the brim with a bored smile. I grabbed the cup after setting the pitcher down and chugged the glass. I know you aren't supposed to do stuff like that, but I'm just built differently. Billie didn't bat an eyelash, and neither mom nor Maverick seemed to notice. However, some of the Batfamily seemed to be pretty weirded out by my impressive display of awesomeness. Tim looked impressed, and Jason did too, but Damian looked hella grossed out and his nose flared in annoyance.

We all thanked Valentina profusely for the food and then proceeded to eat. Valentina had walked out of the room, doing who knows what. 'I wonder if Valentina is like our Alfred. That would be pretty dope. Gotta love Alfred Pennyworth.' I nodded to myself and put my favorite toppings on my waffle and ate it. Normally I ate like a pig, but today was the exception. Even if this was some shitty dream, I was still going to remain classy in front of the Batfamily. Billie looked conflicted, wondering if she should do the same.

"Soo, uhm, why're you guys here?" I asked between bites, taking sips of my refilled coffee with a 'lady like' demeanor. My mom whipped her head towards me and looked at me with pursed lips and an eyebrow raised. Bruce's eyebrows furrowed slightly and then went back to normal.

"You don't know?" He looked up at my mom with an eyebrow raised and shared a glance with Selina.

Well, now I've done it. "Haha, oh, uhm... I just for-'' Billie cut me off with a big smile that I could tell was hiding some nervousness, "HAHA You are so funny! Of course she knows, she's just kidding. We were talking about it this morning, actually." She looked at me with her eyes slightly narrowed and picked up her orange juice glass, taking a painfully slow sip to avoid talking anymore.

Selina's eyes narrowed a bit and she raised an eyebrow and gave us both a look that said 'girl please I can tell you are lying' before throwing us a bone, "So you guys are excited to be modeling with everyone? I know the companies partnering must've been difficult for you guys, having to move and all." She took a bite of the waffle and then handed Helena a sippy cup filled with juice that they had probably brought themselves.

I pursed my lips in thought. So, we had moved, but how long ago? And what the hell did she mean about modeling? My ass was too fat for that stuff. Billie, I could see, but me? Nah fr tho I am a queen and I could absolutely do that because even if I am a bit chubby I'm still hot. Got dem curves, y'know? I am fr so fine though like actually.

I nodded and put my hand to my chin in thought, "Yeah, of course we are! Modeling may be really hard, but I'm sure it'll be a very educational and fun experience for us." I scratched my scalp and looked at my plate, praying that they believed my incredibly half-assed attempt at being casual.

"Oh, yeah, I think you guys will love it!" She smiled slightly and shoved a bite of waffle in her face again.

Stephanie looked at me pointedly, "Sometimes it sucks because Tim is unphotogenic and we have to retake shots-" "STEPH WHY DO YOU DO THIS."

Tim shoved Stephanie slightly with a frown. I laughed and looked away. That shizz was hilarious.

Billie was trying to contain laughter, "Oh, I know what you mean, y/n one time when she was like, five, accidentally covered herself in spaghetti just in time for our annual family pho-" I whipped my head around and gave her the death stare. She shut up and held back laughter, and the table giggled a bit.

I grumbled out a 'screw you' and then grimaced, drinking more orange juice.

Eventually, the breakfast ended. The food was pretty good and I feel like this was still really weird because I think this may or may not be a fever dream. Mom told us to go to the kids room and just hang out with the others, but I had no idea where it was, so I pushed alternate reality Maverick to the front.

He glared at me and mumbled something in a different language, and then stalked off, making most of us follow. Tim stayed in the room with Bruce, probably because he was a junior business partner or something dorky like that.

Jason seemed relatively uninterested now that the interesting conversation stopped, and was looking at his phone while walking.

Reminded me of school, really. A bunch of uninterested kids (forcefully) ushered into a room to entertain themselves. 

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