new house

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TW: Nightmares, monsters


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Run. Run. Run. A raspy voice rang through my mind, echoing in every crevice of my head. I was standing in a deep inky liquid, I looked around and tried to find the voice inside my head. Run, it told me again.

"Run from what?" My voice was hoarse, and an overwhelming feeling of fear and tiredness overcame me. A raspy laugh rang throughout my headspace as my question echoed in the darkness. I wanted to move, but couldn't because the inky black substance was much to thick for me to move my legs. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. I could hear sloshing coming from behind me.

I whipped my head around and looked behind me to find nothing. Another string of laughter sounded throughout the dark abyss. I hugged myself, nails digging into my skin as a sudden feeling of sorrow appeared in my heart. More sloshing sounded and I looked around, trying to find the source of the eerie noise. All I could see was the dark liquid and the abyss. I yanked my leg, trying to run forward as the sounds came closer and closer until it stopped and I fell over from loss of balance.

Run, little girl. Run, you pathetic little bunny. Run or else it'll eat you up. Sobs racked my body as I pulled myself to my knees. "Run from what? Tell me, please!" The black sludge was growing, filling the abyss at a rapid pace. My hands moved from their spots on my arms to my head. I could feel like sludge rise up to my waist. I clawed at my face, tears pouring from my eyes as the wicked laughter filled my head. I reached my hands out in a lousy attempt at grabbing something, anything to pull myself out of the liquid. I realized that there was nothing there and another sob racked my body as I let my hands fall into the the ever-growing amount of inky liquid. I breathed in the sludge, and choked on it as I felt it enter my mouth, drowning me as it went into my lungs.

My vision was growing blurry as I tried in vain to keep myself afloat. I couldn't breath, and my eyes started fluttering shut when I felt clawed hands pull me up from the sludge. They pierced my arms as they dragged out, and a strangled gurgle of a cry fell from my mouth as I stared up at the tall monster that had dragged me out of the wretched liquid. Silly little girl. You were supposed to run from m-

I blinked, breathing heavily, the blurry sight of the shadow creature still fresh in my mind. I looked out the window to see we were on a cobblestone road in the woods, in front of a big and fancy iron gate. I looked down to the carpeting of the truck and spotted an unopened water bottle peeking out from the cup holder. I reached into the cup holder in the door and pulled out the large plastic water bottle, opening it with a satisfying crack and taking a long gulp, hoping to get rid of the overheated feeling that was coming from my body.

My dad turned, my gulping letting him know that somebody else was finally awake, and looked at me, concern in his eyes. "You do not look to good, kid. How'd you sleep?" He reached his hand out and pressed it against my forehead. His expression soured and he pulled his hand back.

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