rich people i guess

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Eventually, they came to the kids room. It was big and shaped like a square. A pool table sat on one side of the room, a pinball machine in the corner. A mini-bar sat in another corner, a popcorn machine and candy dispenser next to it. In the center of the room sat a C shaped couch, with a coffee table in the center. A huge ass flatscreen TV sat in front of the couch and coffee table, various luxury gaming systems hooked up to it.

Good lord, rich people.

I blinked, flabbergasted. What the hell was all this? Billie looked at me with the same look on her face. This was a luxury we had not lived in. We were in the middle of the middle class, not higher and not lower, but Billie and I had both been poorer once upon a time, purely lower class. All of the surprise Billie had on her face was gone in a split second, and she quickly adapted to her surroundings with a devilish smirk, throwing herself onto the couch and quickly grabbing the remote to the tv.

With all these glorious electronics around, I almost forgot about my most important, survival handy, favorite thing in the world. My damn phone.

Where was it? I don't know. Can I survive without it? I don't know man, probably, maybe not. Would I however kick a toddler in the knees and steal candy from said toddler to get it back? Yes. A thousand times yes, Jerry.

For a few seconds I stood there like a roblox character and then I walked awkwardly towards a bean bag the size of a small car, sinking into it.

Suddenly, something was thrown and hit me in my damn head.

It was hard and felt plasticky. I yelped and shouted a curse word followed by a hurt ouch. I felt my head and looked into my lap where the object lay. It was my phone. I screamed. In my head though because I feel like they would think I'm crazy otherwise. I love my phone and I forgive it for ever so gently hitting me in my cranium and possibly fracturing my skull. However, a lot of questions raced through my head that I really didn't know how to answer.

Who the heck threw the chunk of plastic I so adore at my big head?

How is my phone even here if this is an alternate reality?

Do Trader Joe's Takis exist here because I am super hungry-

Assuming this is my own phone from my world, how did it get here?

I looked up to see Ricky looking at me pointedly. Everyone else was doing their own thing and apparently didn't notice the airborne object hit me in my lovely skull. Honestly, good. That would be embarrassing.

That one vine that goes 'Ricky when I catch you Ricky' was stuck in my head and frankly I wish I had something to throw back at him, but I guess not today considering I was still basically drowning in a beanbag the size of a Ford Rangers truck bed.

"Ricky you jerk-" I cut myself off when he looked away and scrolled through his phone. My notification for my text messages went off. I raised an eyebrow and kept my lips shut, switching on the phone and opening it once face ID went through. I had at least a hundred notifications for my text messages, and more from various social media applications.

My jaw dropped when I clicked on the text messages and saw that my one and only true love, my soulmate, my BFF had been every single text besides like four from Billie asking to walk to the seven eleven and pick up a slushie.

Not that that mattered right now, haha.

I smiled and then looked at the ceiling and stretched, then back at the phone. Tilly had bombarded me with text messages. I pray that this is actually text-back-able, because if there isn't a Tilly in this world then I don't want it. Even with the extremely attractive superheroes flocking the area and my family apparently being friends with the Wayne's.

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