im sorry what

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tw: cursing, mentions of hallucinating, slight drug reference (refers to an experience as an acid trip)

A teenage girl lay in a lavish canopy queen sized bed, sleeping soundly. She rolled over, gripping a fuzzy white blanket closer to her chest. Letting out a little groan, she let her eyes flutter open, and then rubbed them. She pulled the blanket even farther up her chest, giving a quick glance to her surroundings, and then froze. 

Her eyes widened, and she studied her surroundings even closer, a horrified look on her face. Next to her, on another pillow, sat her glasses. She put them on hastily, afraid she was hallucinating. She wasn't, unfortunately.

Really, this wasn't her bed. The bed she had owned was a full size covered in blankets and hand-sewn quilts. The one she was laying in was a queen size, with green and orange see through curtains with little fairy lights hanging off of the brass bars of the canopy ceiling. Now that she think of it, none of the things in the large room where hers, actually. This did look like the room she had picked out online, yet it was fully furnished, not a moving box in sight. The walls were covered with posters, paintings, and vinyl records. A book nook sat on the opposite side of the room, colorful pillows thrown about, Sanrio plushies artfully arranged by the windows. A huge bookshelf sat next to a door, which she assumed was either the door to the hallway, or the bathroom. The bookshelf was filled with books, obviously, and collectible items such as Wonder Woman mugs and Batman action figures. A few potted plants sat next to the shelf and smaller ones in it. A tiny coffee table and armchair with clothes sitting on it was in one corner of the room. 

"What in the name of Jason Mamoa's greasy hair-" She let out a shriek as the other door in the room opened, revealing a blonde girl with a frantic expression on her face. The blonde girl promptly screamed in response to the shrill shriek the other girl let out. Her hair was in a messy braid, bangs and stray strands of hair going in odd directions. Her blue eyes sported dark eyebags, and her brows were furrowed, her eyes looking dark and sleep deprived. She wore a black Pearl Jam tank top paired with Hello Kitty pajama pants. A large collection of bracelets hung from her wrists. She looked pissed, to be honest. 

She slammed the door shut and looked at the girl laying in the bed. "What. The. Hell. is happening right now. Frickin explain yourself, Y/N, or I swear on Timothée Chalamet's jawline-" The girl was interupted by Y/N screaming louder, jumping out of the bed and tackling Billie to the floor, "WHAT THE HELL-" Billie let out a shrill shriek as her sister hugged her, almost suffocating her.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Billie froze, her eyes widening, as she awkwardly returned the hug. 

"Uhm, care to explain?" A voice rang out, stopping them both in their tracks. They both scrambled to get up, Y/N hiding behind Billie. 

It was Maverick. He had the most confused look on his face as he stood in the doorway of the strange bedroom. 'Why's is always me who see's this weird shit? I lowkey hate these hoes.' He thought to himself, waiting for them to answer him. He rolled his eyes, slammed the door, and stalked off after a few moments of not being answered. You could hear him muttering things loudly as he was, presumably, stomping on through the hallway. Billie turned to you, and gave you a gentle look. Her eyes were tired and you could tell she had probably been awake much longer than you. She had a look on her face that showed she was close to a panic attack. 

"I have no idea what's happening, sis. First you went bonkers, puked on my shoes and then passed out, then we went through a earth quake scare, and now were in a house that's ours but isn't? And what's with me dying, bro?" Billie's face displayed worry and confusion, her brows furrowing and her mouth forming in a tight line. 

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