Chapter 5

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Jiwon pov

"You along with the other seven girls will kill the dark fairy and save the world." She kept going while grabbing her hair and smiling. I stood there uneasy. "Can you please properly explain? You're just saying random words and talking about how I'm going to defeat this dark fairy which I don't even know what it is!" I yelled silencing her. I covered my mouth apologising after as I didn't want her to give me a bad punishment.

"Jiwon dear," she said while walking and getting a book with a glowing gem on the spine "you are the princess of the Luné, the fairies of the moon, meaning you are more powerful than anyone." I rose a brow. "How do you know? I can't be a full on princess! I need to learn to control my powers and I myself was never aware!" "I've sensed it once you introduced yourself. You along with the other seven girls are the princesses and descendants of the firstborn fairies."

"Wait, the girls I share my dorm with?" "Yes! From now on, you will be specially trained by the teachers after school everyday—" "Can we do just Wednesdays and Thursdays? Remember I need to finish my homework." "No. Your magic is powerful and the more practice the better. You will stop once you've fully learnt how to control and fight." I just stood there silently. "You may now leave." She sat on her chair and read the book on her desk.

I left with so many questions running in my head. "Hey!" A voice startled me. I looked forward to see Jiheon. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I heard you went to see the head mistress so I decided to go. We need to meet at the Stones." she grabbed my wrist and lightly dragged me across the hallway. 

"What did she say?" Jiheon asked as we got out of the building heading towards some forest nearby. "Oh, she just told me things about the school and that I'll get a little bit more lessons to catch up to you all." I lied. I didn't want her or anybody to know I was special. I myself wish that I wasn't special as I would probably be picked on along with so much pressure being a hero.

"Ah." She nodded. "I thought she was going to say something crazy like 'you be on your best behaviour or you will get expelled.'" I chuckled at her comment. "You guys must really hate her." "Uh...of course we do! She threatens us all the time saying we get expelled easily." "Has anyone gotten expelled?" "Yes but it was a long time ago." "Who was it?" "Kang Jia, a magic being. She was a witch from Hongdae. You could tell she was really bad." 

"What did she do?" "Well, I heard that she bunked class a lot, caused havoc with her magic and did something unimaginable." "What?" "She hated school so much that she wanted to curse it by making it disappear for 100 years but it backfired and she ended up disappearing for a 100 years." "Oh damn."  "Then the head mistress cast a spell that banished her from ever returning when she came back." "I guess she skipped class so much that she lost her knowledge of magic." I shrugged. "She went to school with my dad and he said that she used her magic a lot but just had trouble casting spells properly." She stated. 

We arrived with the teachers marking rolls and students surrounding the area still arriving. "Jiwon, you're in the same homeroom as me so we're over there." Jiheon pointed towards a crowd of students and a rock with a sun carved on it. I followed her and was greeted by the teacher, Mr Lee and other students. "So today students," Sir said "today we will practice magic and learn a few more strengths and weaknesses." "Pixies and elves you will go with Miss Song, witches and magicians go with Miss Jang, animal hybrids go with Mister Kim, aliens will go with Mister Yang and fairies shall stay here."

I didn't expect to see a total of 97 fairies at the school, no wonder so many teachers had to guard with us. I had heard that the Stones of Glory was the location of where most of the firstborns hatched and met each other. "Okay students head to the element you possess then a specific teacher shall guide you in case you've any difficulty." As I was heading to the stone with a moon carving, a pair of hands had landed on my shoulders. "Won won!" I recognized the voice from earlier. "Seojoon?" I turned around and smiled. "What's with the 'Won won'?" "It's my new nickname for you." He replied chuckling. 

"So you're a moon fairy?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah, and my power is shooting out cool laser beams." I nodded remembering the incident earlier in the week but quickly got rid of it. "What about you?" "Huh?" "What's your special power?" "Didn't you already hear at dinner yesterday?" "Yeah but I forgot cause I wasn't paying attention." He laughed as I slapped his arm. Just then, the practice had started and a teacher approached me. "Good afternoon Miss Park Jiwon, I am Madam Lee," She put forward a hand which I gladly accepted. "May I ask what your power is?" "Power? As in singular?" I questioned. "Yes." She replied. "Umm...I don't have one, I have three: mind, laser and communication." She stood there with a stunned expression. "Oh my lord, you're joking, aren't you?" I shook my head confused. "No, why?" "Show me you have them." "What?" "You heard me, prove it." 

I stood confused. "First, read my mind." I began trying to read her mind and found her wondering how idiotic I was trying to trick her. "I'm not an idiot, I'm telling the truth." I said. "Alright that's solved, now try and understand what I'm saying." She then began speaking gibberish but I could understand what she was saying. "Don't try fooling me child. I know you think you're the chosen one." I tilted my head, offended at her nonsense insult. "Oh my god." She gasped. "Last show me you can fire laser beams." "Umm..." I hesitated. I could only fire them when I was angry and I hadn't learnt how to control them or use them at my command.

"Chop chop, we don't have all day." She clapped. "I can only launch them when I'm angry." She stared at me with a blank expression then said "I believe you and since you're new I don't want you to cause trouble as you're untrained, and yes, I can read minds." "But why were you so shocked?" I asked. "Well you should know. Ordinary fairies only carry one power of the firstborns and their descendants but you carry all of them, meaning...

You're a descendant of Haewon, the ruler of the moon fairies."

To be continued...

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