Chapter 11

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chapter 11

"Mrs. Ross, I think It's best you never ever say any of those things to Vittoria ever again, and as for the public, I like to keep my wife to myself, our marriage isn't anyone's god damn business, the next time you speak to Vittoria, It better start with an apology." He cut the call. They both stared at each other.

Before they could say anything else, Nickolas's phone rang. He looked up at her while picking up the call, "Armani." He spoke in a cold tone.

"No, absolutely not." He said after he heard the person on the other side say something. Nickolas was as domineering in his work mode as he was in his bed. It came naturally to him.

Vittoria decided not to keep Gianni and Ada waiting at the pool, heading towards the pool area.

Nickolas didn't stop her, he was quite engrossed in his call, but his eyes were on her as she walked away.

It was a sunny morning today accompanied by a beautiful breeze. After removing her dress, Vittoria submerged herself in the water. Her mom's words played on her mind.

She thought about the comment her mom made regarding Alana, and she thought whether Alana would've actually made a better bride for Nickolas.

Perhaps she would've, she was classy, elegant and knew a variety of languages and she could host people well. She had the perfect designs, men like Nickolas wanted in a wife.

When Vittoria had said yes to Nickolas in Rome, she had been head over heels in love with him, even though he had never told her he loved her.

But she knew he cared, after all in her worst times, he had stood by her side, when she wanted to finish her law degree and her mom was extremely against it, he had ensured she complete her degree.

In the initial days of their marriage, she thought she would be happy with what they had, she thought that they would build their marriage's foundation on trust and companionship, if not love.

But now in hindsight, she realised how wrong it all was.

They had been married 2 years ago , the cracks started to appear when he started missing their promised Friday night dinners, he simply stopped showing up, without informing her, coming home late, long after the dinner was cold. And then sometimes when he went off to his work trips, he would just leave a note or ask one of his assistants to let Vittoria know he would be gone. For how long? She never knew. It could be a week or two.

"Vittoria!" Gianni yelled, breaking Vittoria's train of thought. Gianni splashed water on her, Vittoria gasped, "oh it's on!" She said as she splashed water back at Gianni.

Ada joined in too. It's lovely how as we grow older, we can play along as though we are kids, more freely.

After they got tired, they lounged at the beach beds, "I ran into Ari in the corridor, when I went up to get my bathing suit." Gianni said. Vittoria's head snapped towards her, "he is alright?"

"Yes, he's fine, though he said he wanted to speak to you." Gianni spoke, as she had a sip of the mocktails that they had ordered.

"God, I need to apologise to him, I tired to get his room no. From the reception after our breakfast, but they wouldn't tell me, confidentiality and all that." Vittoria stated.

"You don't need to apologise Vittoria, he looked as cocky as ever, even with a bruise on his face, don't ever forget what a bastard he was when you dated him." Gianni declared.

"She's not lying." Ada said. "But still guys, Nickolas hit him pretty bad." Vittoria said with a worried frown.

"He had it coming." Gianni said. Ada chuckled. "Shut up!" Vittoria chided, but still couldn't hold in a laugh.

"What! Nickolas is super possessive of you, we know that," Gianni added, shrugging her shoulders. Vittoria shook her head, she hadn't yet told them what she had said to Nickolas upstairs.

She had expected the reaction to what she told him about her getting a place, away from theirs. But she had to give it a try, talk to him again, make him understand, apart from the sex, they barely did anything together anymore, not that Vittoria was complaining about the sex.

She just felt like if she moved for a month or two and see how things went between them, would Vittoria wait for his calls every time or would she go out to the grocery store, buy flowers for her dining table and be content?

This was not the first time, her mother had called nagging about everything related to her, her marriage with Nickolas, in fact her mother was less interested in what Vittoria did before Nickolas courted her and married her, after that her mother had a change of heart, for the worse.

" earth to Vittoria!" Ada said. "I'm so sorry," Vittoria spoke, "you were saying?"

Gianni shook her head, "she needs more cocktails!" Gianni said dramatically, as she pointed at Vittoria, Ada chuckled, but gave Vittoria a look that told her that she was going to talk about what's up with Her later.

"Yes please!" Vittoria exclaimed, agreeing with Gianni.

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