Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

On their way back up to their suite's, it so happened that Ari was in the same lift as them, "hello ladies." He said chivalrously. Gianni and Ada greeted him back.

"Oh my god," Vittoria gasped after seeing his bruised face, "I'm so sorry." She said.

"It's not your fault, Vit." He said with a nickname Vittoria was never really fond of and had simply been bestowed upon her by Ari. "But perhaps if you join me for a drink, it'll make me fe better."

Vittoria looked at him apologetically, "I can't we are only here till tonight."

"Well i can come downtown." Ari insisted. Vittoria smiled, "we will plan something."

His floor came before their's, so the conversation was cut short.

"We will plan something?" Gianni mimicked, twirling one hair strand.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Vit." Ada used her nickname deliberately.

"Relax, I won't go out with him alone, guys " Vittoria said as they stepped off at thier floor.

As soon as Vittoria entered her room, she realised that none of her stuff was there, she scoffed as she headed to Nickolas's suite.

His bodyguard appeared out of no where and let her in with a key card, she frowned.

She found him inside the office space, he looked up at her, without any surprise.

She scoffed at him, "don't you shift my stuff without my permission." Walking out of the office without waiting for his reply, she headed for the closet inside the master bedroom, all her clothes were set nicely, along with his.

she locked the master bedroom door as she stripped out and headed for a shower.
Stepping out after a few minutes, she started to wear her lingerie and that's when Nickolas decided to barge into the room, Vittoria gasped as she tried to cover herself.

"We need to talk." He told her, his eyes darkening as he stared at her hourglass body, added, "but that'll just have to wait for now."

Stepping towards her with intention, but Vittoria stopped him, "no! We do need to talk, Nickolas."

She put on a yellow dress as quickly as she could muster with a man staring at her like he was about to pounce on her and his restraint was on a very thin thread.

"What I told you earlier.." she started but Nickolas spoke, his voice stoic& deep, "is still off the table."

She sighed, going closer to him, she held his hands. "Please Nickolas." She beseeched, Nickolas took a deep breath in, his eyes dilating.

"No Vittoria, you want us to move out of our penthouse and live someplace in the country for a while, we can do that, but you are not going anywhere alone, I forbid it." Nickolas stated with conviction.

"Nickolas, I can't do this." She said.

Nickolas eyes further darkened, "he held her face in his hands, "you made a promise to me on our wedding night, and you will not break it."

"Then why don't you keep yours? I don't want you to be gone for weeks and you leaving me a note or having your assistant let me know!" Vittoria yelled.

"Vittoria, I'm a busy man," he said without his face giving away anything of how he was feeling. "I'm keeping my promise, you are looked after and cared for, and I'm never letting you go." He said with his hands in his pockets, withdrawing it from her face.

"I can't believe you." Vittoria said as she stared into his eyes. She started to retreat out of the room, he stopped her by holding on to her wrist, "and Vittoria," he said touching her engagement ring and wedding band as a warning, "you're never meeting Ari for that drink." He walked out of the room, leaving her standing there dumbfounded.

How did he find out about that conversation, Gianni or Ada wouldn't possibly tell him, right?
Nickolas was always 2 steps ahead of her. He made sure of that. Always.

Vittoria stuttered out of the suite, this time the door wasn't locked.

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story!
There's much we need to unravel still, and we will as the story goes on, I can't wait for you'll to read further :)
Thank you for reading! And please do vote!
Until next time!

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