Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


2 years ago.

The chandelier made the entire room glow in its magnificence, It made all the antiques come to life with glaring love, as though it was their very own rebirth. Vittoria and Nickolas stepped inside the room, through the antechambers twisting and turning. 

"this is unreal, Nickolas." Vittoria whispers, as though not wanting to disturb the peaceful quiet of the historical room. Hand in hand, they walked past statues and paintings. Vittoria's eyes wandered around the place, whereas Nickolas's stayed right at her face, taking in the amusement and childlike joy, wondering how Vittoria was so untouched by the hollowness of their rich, elite society that they grew up in. 

Nickolas encircled his arms around her from behind, breathing in the smell of her hair, taking in her smell, he wanted her so bad. 

He felt utterly confused by the way Vittoria affected him. She was stuck inside his mind, as though on loop, one that he couldn't escape, not that he wanted to. 

She fuelled him. 

She almost made him want to be a better version of himself. 

They were in the private chambers at the Danube palace. Nickolas had surprised Vittoria, since Vittoria loved antique architecture. 

Vittoria looked up at a painting on the main wall, it had a maiden in a blue victorian dress and a duke who looked like he was catching the maiden. But there was more to it than what meet the eyes. 

"It's an allegory." Nickolas stated when he noticed her staring at the painting. "The male in the frame  looks like he's the one saving the lady, but if closely looked at, she's the one balancing him out," His eyes finds hers, "She's the one saving him."


Present Day. 

Nickolas hands stayed wrapped around Vittoria as the doctor checked Vittoria. "No signs of head injuries that could induce such an episode of fainting," The doctor said as he looked over. 

Gianni stepped inside the room exactly in that moment. "Took you long enough," Nickolas said in his cold voice. "What the hell happened? How did Heidi get in? Is Vittoria okay?" Gianni asked, concern marring her tone.

"She fainted" Nickolas said, his voice lining with fear. Gianni gulped. 

"Nickolas there's something you need to know." Gianni said hesitantly. 

"later, I'm not leaving her side until she's all okay." He said through gritted teeth, looking at doctor, signalling him to continue with the inspection. 

"Nickolas it's about Vittoria." Gianni said, her face serious and nervous, as she fidgeted with her hands. 

Nickolas had all her attention, as soon as she said that, but yet he didn't leave Vittoria's side. 

"What about her?" He asked, his voice urgent. 

"She's.." Gianni gulped, "can you come outside for a moment?" 

Nickolas frowned, but after a moment complied. 

"What, Gianni?" Nickolas asked impatience lingering. 

"Nickolas, Vittoria is pregnant." Gianni said, breathing out. 

There was absolute pin drop silence. 

It stretched on, dramatically until Nickolas exhaled, "this better not be a fucking joke." 

"It isn't, she's almost 2 and a half months along." Gianni said. 

Nickolas almost looked relieved and happy. A ghost smile spreading on his face. He turned around and walked back into the room, his eyes tenderly moved over Vittoria's frame. 

they were going to have a baby, He thought happily. 

"Dr. Forbes, I'm going to need a gynaecologist." He spoke with authority. Dr Forbes, taking the hint, got up and after a little fair weather talk and assuring Nickolas that Vittoria would be fine, left. 


Vittoria' eyes fluttered open to bright sun rays spilling through the gap between the curtains, she squinted her eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness. 

What time was it? She wondered. 

5:06 pm.

All the memories of the day came rushing back, as she regained full consciousness, Heidi attacking her and Nickolas showing up, her hand involuntary went to her stomach. 

"Good evening, love." Nickolas spoke, standing in the corner of the bedroom, she had not seen him yet.

His eyes went down to where Vittoria's hand was on her stomach.

"Nickolas.." Vittoria began, trying to get up from the bed, but Nickolas stopped her, urging her back into a resting position. 

"Don't get up, Vittoria, you need to rest." Nickolas spoke in a gruff yet soft voice. 

"How did Heidi get in? And where is she now?" Vittoria inquired. 

"The locks here are easy to get through, I should've been more careful, but regardless of anything, she'll never ever get close to you again, I guarantee you." Nickolas said angrily, as though he was still pissed about the whole Heidi attack episode.

"So I'm assuming, Gianni and you have been spying on for quite some time now." Vittoria said in a flat voice. 

Nickolas looks at her intently, "We both had good intentions, hurting you was the last thing we wanted."

Vittoria scoffed, " and yet you did nothing but that, anything else you want to let me know, Nickolas?" 

"No, I don't, but I think you need to tell me something, don't you, love?" Nickolas said, understanding dawned on Vittoria's face.

Holy shit, she thought.


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