late night conversation (annyeongz)

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there have always been rumors about the two of them.


Yujin knew she was courting trouble. She knew rumors had started — she had overheard more than a few — and knew that if anyone managed to prove even one of those rumors true, then both her and Wonyoung would be in for a very difficult few years in IVE. If they were even allowed to stay.

Except it was so difficult to think about any of the consequences when Wonyoung announced her arrival with a gentle touch of her hand on the small of Yujin's back. What others thought became a distant memory when a hug went on for longer than might be considered friendly. The looks and whispers that Yujin should be concerned about — Lord knows she should because they could be their downfall — seemed secondary to how it felt when Wonyoung took her hand for no reason other than she wanted to.

Wonyoung was lain on Yujin's bed reading when Yujin arrived back at their room. Yujin didn't quite know why considering she had a perfectly good bed of her own on the other side of the room. All the same, seeing her there, so happy and at ease in Yujin's space, made Yujin want to climb onto the bed, take Wonyoung in her arms and hold her.

Yujin shrugged her coat off and hung it on the back of the door; winter wasn't far off now and she was rather glad to be back in the warmth of their room.

"You look cold," Wonyoung said.

"That falls rather short of your usual perceptiveness," Yujin replied, taking a seat in the chair at the desk. "Next you'll say I look tired."

"You do. Probably because you stay up too late practicing, then toss and turn even once you've gone to bed." Wonyoung put the book to one side then stretched as she sat up and Yujin couldn't help the way her eyes flickered over the movement of Wonyoung's body. She breathed in sharply and averted her gaze.

"Just worried about stuff," Yujin said with a shrug. Wonyoung would know she was lying, she always did, but Yujin couldn't bring herself to tell her friend the truth of her concerns.

"Here I thought you were mulling over the rumors that have been going around about us," Wonyoung said and Yujin went still.

"You must have some kind of super powers," Yujin muttered, "No one can be that naturally perceptive."

"Oh, come on. If you've heard the rumors then you should have guessed that I would have as well. People aren't as kind or subtle with me." Wonyoung patted the bed beside her, which caused Yujin to glance up. "Come here, you don't need to hide over there."

Yujin complied with Wonyoung's request but it didn't do anything to loosen up the stiffness of her posture. Wonyoung reached out and took her hand. Yujin linked her fingers with Wonyoung's and felt the warmth of Wonyoung's hand seep into hers. How she wished they could just be like this forever, far from the judgmental eyes of the world.

"I suppose it's a bit more of a shock to you, but I've been ignoring the rumors for years. Don't let it upset you," Wonyoung reassured her.

Yujin looked up sharply. "Years?"

"They started when we were in IZ*ONE. I think you only never heard about them because people rather thought you might knock their heads off if you found out about it," — Wonyoung smiled — "whereas no one here knows about your infamous temper."

Yujin sighed and pushed herself back to sit with her back against the wall. "I do wish everyone would mind their own business." She rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand and frowned.

"You're really upset about it aren't you?" There was a peculiar edge to Wonyoung's voice that Yujin couldn't quite place.

"I don't know what I am about it," — Yujin shrugged — "It's just a bit... I would much prefer not to overhear a conversation speculating about what we do or don't do behind closed doors if that's what you're asking."

"I have to ask..." Wonyoung sounded like she was picking each word dreadfully carefully. "If it bothers you, and it seems like it does, why have you not confronted people and told them it's a load of old rubbish?"

"How would I ever convince anyone it's not true with the way you behave with me?" Yujin was quite pleased with how her question caused Wonyoung to falter, not usually able to be one step ahead of her intuitive friend.

"Why haven't you told me to stop?" Wonyoung asked, "I would in an instant if I knew... if I thought you wanted me to."

"I think you already know the answer to that," Yujin replied.

"Maybe I just want to hear you say it so I know I'm not imagining things," Wonyoung suggested. There was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, something that had been so present during their trainee days.

Yujin hesitated as she tried to find the words, but nothing came to mind that suited what she wanted to say. She turned phrases over and over for what seemed like forever but it was probably just a few seconds before she gave up.

It was far more effective to just kiss Wonyoung instead.

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