15 | Truth

104 9 15

Everyone got into the van again after the trip. Hinata looked out the window, still thinking about what Komaeda had told him. It was terrible. He must have been extremely lonely and traumatized.

Suddenly, he felt a small weight on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Komaeda leaning his head against him, asleep.

"Shh!" Kenichi hissed at the other kids. "Komaeda-san is sleepy! We gotta be quiet!" He, ironically, yelled.

"You're right!" Keiko agreed. "Everyone, pssst! Okay?"



Komaeda woke up in his bed. "Hm..?" He hummed, sitting up.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Hinata chuckled.

The pale man rubbed his eyes. "Wha... when did I get here?"

"You fell asleep in the car and I carried you to your room," The brunet explained.

"Oh..." Komaeda blushed. "Thank you. That's sweet. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I really needed this nap,"

"Komaeda." Hinata said, serious all of a sudden.


"Do you remember me?"

"Huh? Remember you? From where?"

"I don't know. But you seem so familliar, I just know we've met before,"

Komaeda shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I remember ever seeing you before,"

"Not even as kids?"

"...no, I didn't really spend time with other children when I was younger,"

"But my friend told me he saw a photo of you and my dad in my house once,"

Komaeda tilted his head. "How does you friend know what I look like?"

Hinata turned red. "I- uh- uhhh... described how you look,"

"Well, maybe he just saw some other white-haired kid on that photo,"

"Nah, no way,"

"Why not? It could very well be just a coincidence,"


Komaeda frowned. "Why not?"

"'Cause I also said you have green eyes and that you're pale,"

"Maybe he saw an albino in the photo. I mean, lots of people with light hair are also pale, so-"

"But then why would you feel so famillar?"

"Hinata-kun, I'm sorry, but I seriously don't remember you from when we were kids," Komaeda stated again.

"What about my dad? You're very comfortable around him. Have you met him before?"

"Yes, I have. He was already helping the orphanage when I was a child,"

Hinata furrowed his eyebrows, concentrating hard. It was like the answer was right in front of him, yet still just barely out of his reach. "And do you remember him bringing me along?"

Komaeda shook his head. "No, I don't. I only ever paid attention to him, if I'm being honest. I thought maybe he'd pay attention to me too if I was extra polite and cute..." he admitted. "I always put bows in my hair and helped bake stuff for him..."

"Damn... I'm sure he thought you were very sweet. I'm gonna call my dad and ask him about this whole thing now." He got out his phone and called him.

"Hello, Hajime?"

"Dad, I want to know if Komaeda and I have met before. I know he's an orphan and you know him from when he was a child,"

"...Fine then. Yes, you know him. I brought you to the orphanage when I went there. You were very young, so you probably don't remember because of that. I thought maybe you could play with the other kids." Hinata had put the phone on speaker by now. "But you only ever sat down and looked at Komaeda while he was playing,"

"I did? What the hell..."

"Komaeda never paid attention to you though. He was always clinging to me and showing me his bows and cookies he baked. He was a very cute kid. Once we left, you always told me how pretty Komaeda was and that you wanted to give him a flower. I told you to do it, but Komaeda didn't like it. You gave him the flower and he got scared. I knew he was a bit shy, but I didn't think he would be afraid of you. He started crying and ran away. Yukizome-san told me that one time the other kids had ganged up on him and splashed him with the water out of those kinda flowers that clowns have. That was probably why he ran away. After that, I didn't bring you anymore. You were sad and Komaeda was scared, so I let you stay home instead,"

The two men looked at each other. "Oh... Sorry for staring at you, Komaeda. I didn't mean to creep you out,"

"I'm sorry for rejecting you so harshly!" Komaeda said. "That was so mean of me..."

"It's fine," Hinata said. "You were just scared of me,"

Hinata's father spoke up again. "This is pretty nice though, meeting your first love again. I suppose what's meant to be will always come back eventually,"

Hinata turned red. "Don't say first love! It was just a small crush as a kid,"

He hung up a while later. Komaeda looked at the brunet, smiling.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Do you really think I'm that pretty?" He asked, blushing.

"So what if I do? Can't a guy have a type in peace anymore?"

Komaeda giggled. "Of course you can. I'm glad you do." He kissed his cheek. "Bye bye! I have to get back to work now!"

Hinata grinned and touched his cheek. 'Hell yeah! Let's fucking go!!!'

Komaeda stood in the hallway, cheeks bright pink. What the heck had he just done?!

♡ Muse | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now