22 | Sick

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Kenichi woke up the next day, still feeling sick. He hugged his plushy and pulled the blanket over himself even more.

"Meda-san?" He called out tiredly. Komaeda opened the door, trying not to comment on how cute he found it that Kenichi said his name wrong. "Yes?"

"I don't wanna lay in bed all day, but I'm still sick..."

Komaeda thought about what to do for a second. "How about we light up the fireplace and you sit in front of it with a blanket? If you want, you can watch TV extra long today since you're sick,"


Komaeda carried him to the fireplace and lit a fire. He turned on the TV and wrapped the blanket around the little boy. "Is that warm enough?"

"Mhm, thank you..." He held his hands in front of the fire.

"Careful! It's extremely hot. Don't touch it,"

"I knoooow, I'm not a baby anymore,"

The day before, Komaeda had spent a lot of time with Kenichi, wanting to help him get better. Now, he found himself feeling cold and tired too. He sat down on the ground next to Kenichi.

"Are you sleepy?"

"Mhm..." he slowly laid down, curling up on the floor. Kenichi leaned against him.

When the Hinatas came over a while later, the two men found Kenichi and Komaeda sleeping on the floor.

"Are they okay?" Hinata asked.

"They're sick," Yukizome said. "Kenichi-kun has a fever and Komaeda-san spent the whole day with him yesterday trying to nurse him back to health,"

Nurse him back to health, huh? How sweet. Hinata's mind drifted off to a fantasy...

The brunet laid in bed, sick. Komaeda brought him a soup and a coffee. "Are you feeling any better, Hinata-kun?" He asked.

"I'll get through this, don't worry,"

"Here, you need to drink this." He handed him the bowl. "You'll feel much better in just a few minutes!" He promised with a sweet smile on his face.

He shook those weird thoughts out of his head. He shouldn't think about him like that.

"Hajime? You coming?" His father asked. "Or are you gonna keep staring at Komaeda like that?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I'm coming!"

Yukizome smirked. She knew what was going on.

To Hinata, the whole donation process was pretty boring, so he left again and walked around the orphanage. He went to the room where Kenichi and Komaeda were. The pale man slowly woke up.

"Mm... Hinata-kun?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to kidnap you,"

Komaeda tilted his head. "Huh? Why?"

"So I can eat you,"

"I don't taste good. I taste like rotten eggs and worms," He said, getting up.

"Worms are awesome,"

"...to eat? Haha, you're strange,"

"Not to eat, but... did you never look at worms as a kid when it was raining?"

Komaeda smiled. "I did! Oh, I had this wonderful yellow raincoat and a cute umbrella with bunny ears. I love rainy weather! It's so comforting for some reason. I don't like thunderstorms though, they're too noisy and dangerous,"

"I like them. Lightning is cool,"

Komaeda pouted. "With my luck, it could strike me anytime and you like it?"

"Not 'cause it could kill you. I just think bright light and then loud thunder is kinda sick,"

"I know, I know. I was just joking." He giggled.

♡ Muse | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now