21 | Late To Work

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"It's alright." Hinata rubbed Komaeda's back. "You don't need to feel lonely anymore,"

"But I am, aren't I? I mean... I have no parents, no friends, no partner, no pets, nothing. I'm all alone,"

"You have Yukizome. She's like a mother to you, isn't she?"

"...I suppose she's the person who is most like her, yes. And I do really, really care about Yukizome-san. But to her... I bet I'm nothing more than an orphan. Just another brick in the wall,"

"What wall?" Hinata asked.

"I mean like... I'm just another poor child she needed to take care of. Another apple in the bunch,"

"You gotta stop with those metaphors. Comparing yourself to objects isn't healthy. You're a human, not a brick, nor an apple,"

Komaeda sighed. "You're so kind, but I know my worth,"

"Obviously not." Hinata's gaze fell onto the clock that hung on the wall. "Shit! It's already 10:30!" He said.

Komaeda gasped. "I'm so late for work! But I don't know how to get there, I don't have a car!"

Hinata got up. "I'll call a taxi for you, okay?"

"Thank you!" Komaeda said. "And... thank you for listening to me. I appreciate it." He gave Hinata a quick hug.


When Komaeda opened the door to the orphanage, he expected the worst. He thought kids would be yelling, painting all over the walls while Yukizome tried to control them.

To his surprise, everything was fine. Kenichi was playing with toy cars. The other kids were either at school or kindergarten.

"I'm so sorry for being late!" Komaeda called out. "Hinata-kun and I got carried away!"

"Everything's fine. Kenichi-kun and I managed everything," she said.

The little boy looked up. "I wanna see Hinata-san again!"

Yukizome looked at the calendar. "Well, a new month did start a few days ago. The Hinatas should come over anyday now,"

"Yay!! Are you gonna kiss again?" Kenichi asked Komaeda.

"H-huh??" He yelped, blushing.

"I saw that you kissed his cheek! Through the keyhole! I was playing spy with Keiko-chan,"

"...oh dear." Komaeda looked over at Yukizome, who grinned brightly. She clapped her hands together. "My little boy finally has a boyfriend! They grow up so fast..."

"Ah, we're not dating... It was a friendly kiss on the cheek, nothing more," Komaeda explained.

"Oh... You'd make a cute couple," Yukizome said.

"We would?"

"Mhm! Hinata-san is like daddy and you're like mommy if she was a boy!" Kenichi said. "When you kiss and get married, can you adopt me?"

Komaeda pat his head, smiling. He would love to do that. Right now, he had neither a home nor a good income though, so neither of the basic needs required for raising a child.

"Kenichi-kun, how about you go put on a scarf and warm socks? Your nose is runny," Yukizome said.

"Mhm! I think I'm sick... I shouldn't have played outside without gloves and a hat..." He hurried to the shelf that stood near the door where the kid's winter clothing was. "My head is all hot,"

Komaeda walked towards him and put a hand on his forehead. "Oh Jeez, you have a fever. Go lay down in your bed. I'll make you a tea and some soup, okay?"

♡ Muse | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now