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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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I paid attention to it two days ago. The price of gold bars is about 480. According to the market price, 50 grams is 4,000 yuan more than the full price.
  Quite interesting.
  Ruan Ning raised her eyebrows, looked at Cheng Jikuan and teased: "Brother Cheng, if you just give me so much, aren't you afraid that I will take the money and run away?"
  Cheng Jikuan closed the box and handed it to her: "If you are a liar, I will still bear this risk. Within the range. If not, my profit should be huge, so it is worth the risk."
  Ruan Ning smiled and took the box: "Okay, I won't run away for 20,000 yuan, and I can't run far now."
  Cheng Jikuan paused and said, "Then you should pay attention to safety when you go out. There is also a liquefied gas stove that was just installed. Use it with caution."
  Ruan Ning was amused in her heart: "Brother Cheng, don't worry, I will pay attention to it."
  Cheng Jikuan nodded, Leave from Ruan Ning’s house.
  Afterwards, Ruan Ning walked around, found the warehouse she had rented, and threw 60 bags of rice in.
  She returned to the community and knocked on the door next door.
  It was Cheng Jili who opened the door. She was holding a pile of playing cards in her hand. She saw Ruan Ning's eyes sparkling: "Ning Ning, are you coming to play with me?"
  Ruan Ning said with a smile: "I'm looking for you, but I'm also looking for you. Your brother."
  Cheng Jikuan probably heard the noise and walked out of the room and looked at her.
  Ruan Ning said: "Brother Cheng, my colleague agreed, and they have already transported the rice to the warehouse. We need to move it back ourselves, but the request must be completed before noon."
  Cheng Jikuan nodded: "Okay, how much more do we need to pay?"
  Ruan Ning: "No need, prices outside are in a mess now. They like gold very much and say that the price of gold will rise."
  Cheng Jili listened confusedly. When the two explained it again, she was stunned: "Brother, we bought so much What should I do if the rice is spoiled?"
  Cheng Jikuan said: "Don't worry, I won't let you eat it. If it's useless by then, I will take it to the shooting gallery."
  Cheng Jikuan still felt that her brother was too exaggerated, but her advantage was that Obedient: "Okay, but I can't finish eating so much. What do you think?"
  The three of them struggled to transport 60 bags of rice back. They also covered the tricycle with three-color plastic sheets on the way to avoid problems. .
  Residents in the community are busy with their own things or hoarding food outside, and no one pays attention to them.
  During the last transport, the sky was already covered with dark clouds.

Chapter 13
  Under the building of the community, Cheng Jikuan looked at the dark sky and was confused: "It was fine in the morning, why did the sky suddenly change? These dark clouds really look like the end of the world in the movie."
  Cheng Jikuan looked solemn and frowned. : "Move the rice to the corridor first, let's move quickly."
  As soon as he finished speaking, raindrops were already hitting the ground.
  The three people scrambled to get the remaining five bags of rice to the corridor first, and then Cheng Jikuan took the lead and moved the last batch of rice outside the 1802 door.
  At this time, heavy rain was pouring down, and the sky seemed to have a hole, pouring water desperately.
  Cheng Jikuan closed all the windows in the entrance corridor despite the wind and rain. His clothes were already soaked through in a while. He quickly turned around and said to Ruan Ning: "Go home quickly and close the doors and windows. The rain is not right."
  "Okay, you should hurry up too. Come in." Ruan Ning nodded, took out the key and opened the door.
  Her windows were closed before going out, and there was no water in the house. Ruan Ning locked the three doors and walked to the living room window.
  The world outside is raining heavily.
  Ruan Ning had never seen such a heavy rain before, as if the world had been submerged in the water, and there were water columns in front of her eyes.
  Suddenly, there was a "bang" in the sky and thunder sounded.
  Ruan Ning was startled, her pupils dilated, and she felt real fear.
  It's raining too much.
  Because she had read the novel, she knew it was an apocalyptic rainstorm, but the feeling when reading the text was different from watching the real scene. At that time, reading the text was more about marveling at the plot, but now it is more about awe of nature.
  Can she really survive in such an apocalyptic world?
  Ruan Ning took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. These negative emotions had no effect on the future. She still had to stabilize her mentality.
  Leaving the window, she walked to the kitchen and took out stewed beef, stir-fried carrots, spicy squid, and heated vegetables.
  After two busy days and collecting so many supplies, Ruan Ning decided to reward herself and fill her stomach with a cup of milk tea.
  After eating, she took a half-hour break to take a shower. Then she took out a bunch of grapes and played "I Save the Whole Family in the Last Days by Spreading Branches and Leaves" while eating.
  Ruan Ning had only read this book roughly before, not paying attention to many details. Now that she couldn't go out anyway, she decided to read it from the beginning again.
  After a while, she fell asleep.
  When I woke up it was already the next day.
  Ruan Ning's head was a little dizzy because she slept for too long. She walked to the window and took a look and found that the first floor opposite had been flooded.
  According to the height of their terrain, the second and third floors of other places may have been flooded.

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