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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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What should I do when I come back?
  "Besides, there are no three gates. I dare not sleep at night. " Ruan
  Ning was looking through her system store, looking forward to new high-tech equipment for refrigeration.
  Ruan Cifeng sighed and said, "It's a pity that electricity can't be used outside now, otherwise I can dismantle these three doors and install them again." Ruan
  Ning frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Let's move, but not downstairs, but to a different place."
  Ruan Cifeng was surprised: "Transfer? " Ruan
  Ning nodded: "Now that the extreme cold has passed, I believe many people will feel uncomfortable living together and start to move back." "
  Actually, I didn't expect it at first, but even Cheng Jikuan had this plan today. I guess there are many people who want to go home."
  "It's inconvenient for us to live here. " Zhou Sulan said: "
  Then where should we move?" Ruan
  Ning thought for a while: "Just that villa area. Every house has a basement, which can be used in extremely hot rooms." "
  Zhou Sulan's eyes lit up.
  As Ruan Ning said, on the second day after the camp was opened, people started to move back.
  Because their community received the news first, they also had the most people who moved to the camp, except for those who continued to want to stay there. , even all six members of the Self-Rescue Association have returned.
  The weather is hot now, and there is less sunlight in the lower floors, so everyone likes to live downstairs.
  But this has nothing to do with Ruan Ning, she told Wenmei He shouted and asked her to take Zhao Xiaobao to the refugee camp.
  Wenmei was unwilling at first, but then Ruan Ning said she was leaving, so she had no choice but to agree.
  Ruan Ning said: "Don't worry, those who can save themselves will People will definitely leave from the refugee camps, and you won't have to meet them then. "
  And the agreement I made with you is still valid, but it will be changed to monthly payment or semi-monthly payment. I will go to the refugee camp to see you." Wenmei
  breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'll take Xiaobao to the refugee camp. His sister happens to be there, so he's not afraid of being bullied." "
  Although Zhao Xiaobao did not dare to speak, his eyes showed surprise when he heard that he could go to his sister.
  Ruan Ning did not delay. She sent Wenmei away early the next morning, then put the things in the house into the space and left with her parents. After arriving in the
  villa area, Ruan Ning chose the villa where she had found the RV as her new base.
  The decoration of this house was more homely, and although it has been turned over into a mess, the first impression is still in her mind.
  Without changing the view upstairs, the three of them directly cleaned up the basement.
  To use electricity here without fear of being overheard, Ruan Cifeng showed off his housekeeping skills and installed three doors at the entrance to the basement.
  These doors had been prepared by Ruan Ning a long time ago.
  Ruan Ning and Zhou Sulan were responsible for cleaning.
  After Ruan Cifeng finished installing the door, Ruan Ning said: "Dad, can you install air conditioning?" Although Ruan
  Cifeng has never installed it before, he knows more or less: "Do you want to install air conditioners?" Ruan
  Ning indeed has two intact units in her space: "I'll try installing one first. We will be much more comfortable if we can install air conditioning." "
  Ruan Cishan is most afraid of heat, so of course he is willing to work hard for it. Although he doesn't know how long the air conditioner will last, it can last for a day.
  They installed the air conditioner in the original wine room, because this room must have been insulated.
  Cost After a full day, they finally cleaned up. Ruan Ning put two beds in the wine room, and then took out the TV and other equipment.
  Zhou Sulan took out the flowers and green plants.
  "Although it's simple. A little, but quite warm. "Zhou Sulan was very satisfied.
  Ruan Ning also thought it was okay.
  Ruan Cifeng came in from outside, his back was covered with sweat: "You guys try to see if the air conditioner can work. "
  It was already past six o'clock in the evening, and the temperature was still around 43 degrees.
  Ruan Ning quickly took out the remote control of the air conditioner. She only heard the dull sound of the machine, and then it started to operate.
  After a while, the air conditioner spit out cold wind.
  "It actually worked. ! Ruan Cifeng's face was full of surprise and he quickly ran to the air outlet of the air conditioner: "It's really cool." "
  Ruan Ning and Zhou Sulan also walked over there, feeling the cool breeze.
  In this kind of weather, the air conditioner is really cool.
  Afterwards, the family hurried to take a shower, and then hid in the air-conditioned room and took out delicious food to celebrate. Ruan
  Ning said: "I will also install another air conditioner tomorrow and put it in the next room. Ruan
  Cifeng asked curiously: "Don't you keep that one?" After all, this one might break. Ruan
  Ning shook her head, looked at Ruan Cifeng and said, "Dad, there is a difficult task that must be entrusted to you."
  Ruan Cifeng immediately asked: "What? " "
  The temperature will get higher and higher starting tomorrow. It is not suitable to work during the day, but we can do activities at night. It is not a big problem with air conditioning."
  "Starting from tomorrow, you have to repair the car. " "

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now