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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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Zheng Kun is not the base commander now, but he has confidants, that is, the personal guards. Zheng Kun will definitely run away with these people.
  According to Ruan Ning's observation, there are about thirty people in the Guards. Even if the number is reduced, there will still be at least one or twenty.
  There is no way for such a large group of people to disappear.
  Unfortunately, Ruan Ning found no trace of them on the road.
  The family of three arrived near the Scarlet Base. Judging from the surveillance, there was no big movement inside. In addition, there was no trace of Zheng Kun. Ruan Ning simply continued walking forward and found a mountain nest surrounded by mountains on three sides.
  In the past, this kind of place was suitable for developing tourist attractions.
  Now, the mountains are bare and the bottom is flat.
  The reason why I chose this place is because the Ruan Ning System Mall was updated with an intelligent agricultural robot early yesterday morning, which can help with farming.
  Don't you want to try this?
  Winning 2,000 contribution points... is weird.
  This machine sells for 1 million contribution points, which can't be saved even if you kill 30 Chu Dingfeng, but you can try it out for a month, and the trial fee is 2,000 contribution points.
  There was no one around, so Ruan Ning took out the robot from the space. She thought the planting robot was about the same size as Xiao Hei, but she didn't expect it to be a huge monster when it was taken out.
  It can also transform like Transformers.
  Transformers transform into cars, and this robot can also transform into a car, but it is an agricultural vehicle.
  In addition, it can also be turned into a harvester, seeder, sprinkler, and tiller, making modern planting easy with one machine.
  Ruan Ning's eyes gleamed: "This is awesome."
  Ruan Cifeng was also overjoyed: "What kind of material is this made of? Is it a cosmic-grade metal?"
  Ruan Ning didn't dwell on this and gave the order with great vigour: "Robot No. 12, starts the planting mission."
  Because it is not her robot, Ruan Ning does not have naming authority.
  The planting robot received the order and replied to Ruan Ning: "Please provide seeds and water to the trial user."
  Ruan Ning hesitated for a moment and looked at Ruan Cifeng: "Dad, what is good to plant this season?"
  Ruan Cifeng pondered: "It's already October. , we need to plant vegetables that can survive the winter."
  "Like Chinese cabbage, radish, carrot, chrysanthemum, and coriander."
  Every time Ruan Cifeng said something, Ruan Ning took out the corresponding seeds from the space and handed them to the planting robot. .
  After handing it over, she suddenly thought of something: "Planting robot, please go and detect the land first. Is the acid and alkali in it suitable for planting?"
  The robot checked and came back: "It can be planted, but the harvest will be reduced. "Does soil improvement need to be carried out?"
  Can it be improved? Ruan Ning grasped the key point: "Does improvement cost money?"
  The planting robot: "5 contribution points per acre."
  It does cost money, but fortunately it is not so expensive that it will go bankrupt.
  Ruan Ning gritted his teeth and said: "Improve four hundred acres."
  The planting robot immediately took action and transformed into a tiller, adding chemicals to the land in the process.
  Ruan Ning couldn't understand either and went to eat melon seeds with Zhou Sulan.
  Because the soil needed to be improved, vegetable planting was put on hold and had to wait for ten days.
  Ruan Ning doesn't want to waste any time. This machine can round up 100 contribution points every day. If you let it rest, you will be sorry for yourself.
  Either it couldn't be planted in other places, or the harvest might be defective. Ruan Ning simply took out the small fruit seedlings from Zhou Sulan's planting space and ordered the robot to plant them elsewhere.
  This batch of saplings have been in the planting space for more than a year, which is equivalent to about three years, and they will be able to bear fruit immediately.
  I hope they have good results.
  There is still more than 40,000 kilograms of potatoes in the planting space. Ruan Ning handed over the seedlings to the robot, planning to let it find a place to plant them.
  At the same time, seedlings are also raised from various tree seeds.
  The robot‌ said that it only takes 7 days to grow seedlings, but it requires 100 contribution points to purchase its own growth-promoting drugs.
  Not expensive! I gritted my teeth and bought it.
  More than 40,000 kilograms of potatoes, even if the soil is not good, you can’t lose money next spring if you plant them, right?
  After seven days of this, the potatoes planted by Ruan Ning were all over the mountains and plains.
  In addition, what other weeds did she bring from the seed bank? Take out most of the wildflowers and seeds that you don’t recognize and let the robot do whatever it wants.
  These plants have strong vitality, so there is no need to worry about not surviving.
  The first reason why I chose to plant here is that it is close to the Scarlet Base, which will allow the girls to get some benefits.
  Second, the two major bases in the North and South of New Hope are very popular. If a nuclear war really breaks out in the future, they are likely to become direct bombing targets, and direct bombing is obviously impossible here.
  As long as it is not directly exploded, the plants here can take root and sprout, and there is hope of survival.
  As for what it will develop into in the future, Ruan Ning doesn’t know.
  The third and most important reason is that the mall is refreshed randomly. If you don’t buy it that day, you may never see it again. The sooner you buy it, the better. After all, it only lasts for a month.

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now