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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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Gao Gao Xingxing led a group of people here.
  Seeing so many people gathered together, he was in high spirits with a smile on his face: "Everyone, the conditions are difficult now. Today is the day when Yueshan Camp merges with our refugee camp, but we can't bring out anything to celebrate." ."
  "But I bring you good news."

Chapter 68
  Both the people who have just moved here and the people in the refugee camp are waiting for Sun Yongchao to follow.
  Sun Yongchao said happily: "Do you still remember the dried earthworms we ate during the extreme cold?" "
  Today, this talented agricultural expert is here to join us. He will work with us on research and promotion. Drought-resistant potatoes."
  Everyone's reaction was more of curiosity. Everyone looked at Sun Yongchao holding a bald man about fifty years old and guessed that he should be the father of dried earthworms.
  In any case, everyone still applauded enthusiastically.
  As for whether things can grow with such heat, who knows?
  Sun Yongchao wiped his sweat and pressed his hands: "There is one more thing. This matter is more immediate, and everyone will see the results immediately." "
  Today is a double happiness, we are sent to Black Sea Province The remaining staff are also back. This time they not only brought back ten experts, but also brought us a batch of good photovoltaic panels." "
  As long as we choose the appropriate location for installation, it will be tonight at the earliest and tomorrow night at the latest. "We can get electricity
  in our air raid shelters." This time, the crowd burst into warm applause.
  After the previous dullness, everyone was overjoyed and began to discuss it.
  "Did he just say that the power supply was restored? Can I make a call?" one person said excitedly.
  The person next to him rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, call and ask for a base station. Where can you get a base station now? And is your phone still useful?"
  "It can be repaired," the man said.
  "Not only can we repair mobile phones, we can also repair electric fans, refrigerators, and air conditioners." More people responded: "As long as we find these things and find talents in this field, we can restore modern life. Live."
  Sun Yongchao said immediately: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet."
  "Now we can only restore basic lighting, and more electricity must be used for construction and research." "
  But as long as we give us time, everything will Everything can recover slowly, everyone has to believe this."
  "Now, we will immediately send out a team to find a suitable location to install photovoltaic panels."
  Compared with the illusory drought-resistant potatoes, more people are obviously interested in this team Even more interested, everyone gathered around to watch, and followed suit behind the team.
  Ruan Ning didn't pay attention to this. After hearing that the Black Sea Province team had returned, she looked for Cheng Jilue in the crowd.
  After a while, she finally found the tall figure.
  After not seeing each other for several months, Cheng Jiqi turned dark, with a bright smile on his face, still like a little sun.
  Ruan Ning shouted: "Cheng Jiqiu."
  Cheng Jiqiu seemed to hear the sound, but everyone was noisy at this moment. She looked in the direction of Ruan Ning uncertainly, and her eyes suddenly lit up.
  The two girls ran together and hugged tightly.
  After hugging each other, Cheng Jiqi said excitedly: "Ning Ning, let me see you, how are you doing recently?"
  Ruan Ning had tears in her eyes: "I'm fine."
  Cheng Jiqiu said She looked Ruan Ning up and down and commented: "She looks pretty good, not thin, and her face is still very beautiful."
  Ruan Ning said happily: "You are more beautiful than before."
  Cheng Jili laughed, but in fact she I know that my skin is no better than before, and no one who has experienced the apocalypse will be the same as before.
  But it doesn't matter, she is no longer a little girl.
  She is a soldier now.
  The two hugged again, and then Cheng Jikuan came over, and Cheng Jili immediately gave his brother a hug.
  Cheng Jikuan's eyes were filled with relief.
  The two brothers and sisters soon separated. Cheng Jiquan wiped the tears on his face: "Brother, Ning Ning, I am so happy to see you again."
  Cheng Jikuan asked: "Is there anyone on the way? In danger?"
  Cheng Jili said proudly: "It was someone else who encountered us. You taught me my marksmanship. Don't you know?" "
  Just wait and see what I do. Get a medal and you will be your superior in a blink of an eye."
  Cheng Jikuan couldn't laugh or cry.
  Ruan Ning teased: "Cheng Jiqiu, I didn't expect that I wanted to climb on your brother's head, right?"
  Cheng Jiqiu smiled and was about to speak when he saw a man in his twenties walking towards the three of them. Coming over, she was suddenly curious.
  Ruan Ning noticed her gaze and looked over there.

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now