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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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Choose gold, because the special items issued by the system cannot be brought back, including all props and Xiao Hei.
  Ruan Ning: "In other words, if I choose to go back, there will be no space? " Only 1.7 billion gold left? "
  System: "Yes, the main system will help you integrate this gold into your world, without having to worry about sources and sales.
  Ruan Ning's face blossomed into a smile: "Okay. " "
  System: "In addition, your current special skills will be stripped off, and your physical fitness will be halved based on the current value, which will still exceed the average level of ordinary people. This can help you reduce your pain and stay healthy. "
  "This is your reward for completing the system goal. Ruan Ning's eyes sparkled: "
  What about my parents?" "
  System: "Following the treatment, you will also be healthier than ordinary people.
  Ruan Ningshuang arrived: "Thank you, 00125. "
  The system smiled and said: "We are in a mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship, so there is no need to thank you. "
  Ruan Ning: "Is there anything else? " "
  In ‌ one year, please ask the host to take care of everything. At that time, the system will ‌ take back ‌ the reward props. If other materials are not taken out, they will ‌ take back the space together."
  "In addition, you must ensure your life safety during this period. "
  Ruan Ning smiled: "No problem. " "
  Before ending the call, the system suddenly said: "By the way, there is actually a hidden benefit in the trial place. I wonder if the host has discovered it? "
  Ruan Ning blinked her eyes and smiled without saying a word.
  The system understood immediately.
  Everyone understood it tacitly. After ending the call, Ruan Ning hurriedly wanted to report the good news to her parents, but after thinking about it, she thought it would be better to tell her in person.
  Sailing Let's go!
  When she came, Ruan Ning was in a nervous mood, but now she is no longer confused. Nothing makes her happier than going home.
  Ruan Ning even hummed a song.
  Just then ‌At this time, the radar of the navigation vessel suddenly sounded an alarm.
  The technology of this navigation vessel is more advanced than this world. Usually when it detects others, others do not detect it.
  Ruan Ning first put a cloaking device on the surface of the ship, and then came to the cab.
  The radar showed that there were seven ships approaching relatively far away, and there was also a submarine.
  This configuration reminded Ruan Ning of Noah's Ark. I
  searched for it at sea for several months last time, but I didn't expect this. They bumped into each other by chance. Ruan Ning was thinking about whether to go over to see her old friend, but felt that she couldn't wander.
  The other party had a nuclear submarine.
  While she was hesitating, the radar detected something new. Many ships.
  These ships came from all directions, all heading towards Noah's Ark. Their movements were uniform and they quickly surrounded Noah's Ark.
  Could it be pirates?
  Pirates don't have the guts, do they? Or is Noah offended? What kind of big shot happened?
  For such an accurate attack, you must be prepared in advance. Is there someone inside Noah's Ark?
  Ruan Ning was very curious, but she didn't dare to go and see. If there was an attack, ‌Getting up, it would be bad if she was hit.
  "Navigator, stay away from them. " Ruan Ning gave the order.
  The navigator replied: "It has turned around and headed in the opposite direction. "
  Ruan Ning hummed, left the cab, and took off the cloaking device from the ship.
  Although she can't go over to watch, she can send a drone over. Such a lively scene must not be missed. ‌.
  Ruan Ning sat on the sofa, attached the cloaking device to the drone, and controlled it to fly west.
  Unfortunately, the drone was not flying far, so she could only take a look from a distance.
  From On the screen, Ruan Ning saw nearly twenty large ships at war on the sea, as if they would start a war if they were not careful.
  This plot is not found in the original novel. In the original book, although Chu Dingfeng has strong personal ability, , but cannot organize such a powerful fleet.
  "Who is so powerful that they dare to challenge the late villain? "
  Ruan Ning was very curious, but the drone was powerless. The farthest distance it could fly could only reach this extent.
  Helpless, Ruan Ning could only take it back to avoid losing the stealth device.
  Probably Ten minutes later, there was a thundering sound of gunfire from the side of Noah's Ark.
  One sound was louder than the other.
  Ruan Ning was amazed in her heart. She didn't know who would win or lose between the two forces. She just hoped that they would not drop a nuclear bomb.
  Because Since it was not far from the mainland, it only took Ruan Ning four days to return to the estuary.

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now