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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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It was so cold that I had no choice but to go down the mountain to find something to eat. Unexpectedly, I got fetal gas.
  Ruan Ning was surprised: "What do you mean? " "
  Yu Li's eyes sparkled with tears: "The child is gone, you really don't blame me, why did he leave me alone? Ruan
  Ning looked at Cheng Jikuan.
  Cheng Jikuan understood and retreated from the house.
  Ruan Ning then said to Li: "The child is definitely gone. Have you gone to see a doctor?" "
  "There is an old Chinese doctor in our area. "Yu Li said: "I lost a lot of blood that day, and it's not clean now, so I only do other services. She
  raised her head and said: "I didn't really betray him, and the child's death was not intentional. I was hiding in the house that day, and suddenly there was a sound on the mountain, and all the soldiers ran out, and then they ‌It's like ‌leaving.
  "I was too scared to go out, so I hid in the room and didn't even know they were leaving. " Yu
  Li looked at Ruan Ning: "The child is gone, do you think Chu Dingfeng will forgive me?"
  Ruan Ning said: "You know it in your heart. " "
  Yu Li's face turned pale. Of course she knew that Chu Dingfeng valued children, so she didn't plan to go to the refugee camp, because going there might mean sending her to death.
  She is in this line of work and has had two miscarriages before. , It is not easy to be stable when pregnant with a child.
  Ruan Ning took out twenty kilograms of compressed biscuits from her backpack and placed them in front of Yu Li: "Here is some food. Chu Dingfeng asked me to bring it. I won't tell the person I met today, but the child is gone, so you'd better get out of here and don't let him find it. "
  "Your body shouldn't want to get pregnant again, right? "
  Yu Li trembled with fright, and she clenched the compressed biscuits with her fingers.
  Ruan Ning said goodbye and left.
  Cheng Jikuan was waiting for her outside the door, and the two of them left the community together.
  Only then did Cheng Jikuan ask: "Do you know this girl? , why are you looking for her? Ruan
  Ning had already thought of the reason: "A little girl recently moved into our building. This woman is a mistress, and her husband ran away with her." "
  Cheng Jikuan looked surprised, but he didn't say much in the end.
  Ruan Ning smiled at him: "I'm sorry to trouble you today. I had to treat you to a meal before, but now I don't have this condition. "
  With that said, Ruan Ning took out a small cloth bag from her backpack: "This is a little thought. "
  Cheng Jikuan lowered his head and did not answer.
  Ruan Ning raised her eyebrows: "It's not a valuable thing. If you don't want it, I won't dare to ask you for help in the future.
  Cheng Jikuan picked up the small cloth bag and said, "Thank you. "
  "You still thank me? " Ruan Ning laughed: "Are you going directly back to the civilian camp later?"
  Cheng Jikuan thought about it and said, "I want to go home and take a look. "
  The two returned to the community together. Zhou Sulan came to open the door and was a little surprised to see Cheng Jikuan. Cheng Jikuan
  said hello and returned to 1802 silently . After the two returned home, Zhou Sulan quickly asked Ruan Ning: "
  How is the situation? Find the one?" ‌Yu Li?
  Ruan Ning nodded: "I found it, it's different from what I thought. "
  Ruan Cifeng asked: "What's different? " Ruan
  Ning told the story from beginning to end, and Zhou Sulan shook her head: "In this weather, a girl who has had a miscarriage can still have a chance to regain her fortune." Ruan
  Cifeng asked: "Now that the child is gone, is Chu Dingfeng's teleportation golden finger gone?" Ruan
  Ning shook her head: "I don't know, maybe it is, maybe not. Who knows if he is hiding to hold back his big move." "
  Isn't that what the male protagonists in the books are all like? They risk death and survive, and there are treasures when they fall off a cliff. " Ruan
  Cifeng was speechless.
  Zhou Sulan turned to ask: "I see Cheng Jikuan next door is back. What is he doing here?" "
  Ruan Ning hesitated. In fact, she didn't quite understand: "Maybe it's been too long since I've been home. I want to go home and have a look. "
  Ji Kuan is back? " Ruan Cifeng's face lit up with joy, and he got up and went to talk to Cheng Jikuan next door.
  In the following days, the Ruan family resumed going out to practice guns every day. With the support of countless ammunition, Zhou Sulan and Ruan Cifeng made progress.
  Ruan Ning felt that she Compound bows have also made a lot of progress.
  When it comes to mid-March, people are pleasantly surprised to find that the temperature has warmed up a little.
  Although it has not returned to above freezing, it is obvious that you will not feel cold and cold immediately when you go out. After temperatures of forty to fifty degrees below zero, this weather is actually not bad.
  Ruan Ning's thermometer shows that without a fire, it is about minus 32 degrees.
  In the living room at home, if all the electric stoves are turned on Turn it on, and then turn on the return air furnace fire, it can reach about minus 8 degrees.
  You don’t have to wrap yourself up at home like a bear.
  If you use an electric blanket at night, you may even feel a little hot.
  And then As the temperature rises, human activities become more active. The city seems to have ushered in a new life, making people feel that there are still so many people alive.

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