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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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  At this time, Ruan Ning received a notification from the system: "The human beings who are highly hostile to you are leaving within thirty meters."
  Ruan Ning raised her eyebrows and quickly ended the fight: "There is not much firewood, I'm going out Find some and bring them back."
  Many people gathered around them while they were playing cards. Someone quickly took over Ruan Ning's place after she stood up, and Lu Ze didn't pay attention.
  Leaving the gate, Ruan Ning thought for a while and walked around to the side door: "Did Chu Dingfeng run away?"
  The system said: "No highly hostile humans can be detected within thirty meters."
  Ruan Ning laughed: "I We probably know where he is."
  Chu Dingfeng is currently weak in mobility, and Lili will definitely not be able to go far with him, so Ruan Ning chases him directly to the east.
  About half an hour later, Tomorrow Base fell into chaos.
  A large group of people chased them out of the camp, but they had no specific direction and could only be divided into countless teams to disperse and track.
  Here, Ruan Ning has long since caught up with the two of them.
  As she guessed, Chu Dingfeng would easily lose strength after being locked up for too long.
  Seeing his slowness, Lili's expression turned impatient: "How about I carry you?"
  Chu Dingfeng suddenly felt humiliated, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.
  The two of them continued to run forward for about ten minutes, and finally met someone who came to meet them. Lili breathed a sigh of relief and happily ran over to say hello: "Sister Liu, Sister Zhou."
  The two of them were about thirty years old, and when they saw Lili Also smiled.
  One of them said: "Great, let's leave quickly and don't let them catch up."
  Lili nodded.
  At this time, doubts arose in Chu Dingfeng's heart, wondering how someone could answer Lili, but he didn't pay much attention after seeing that it was two women.
  It's just that the two of them are not pretty, and they are older, so they are not his cup of tea.
  Chu Dingfeng wished he had more women, the better.
  The four of them continued to flee. Ruan Ning thought for a while and did not follow. Instead, she used a changing container to transform into Lili and waited there for more than half an hour.
  From a distance, a group of people from Tomorrow's Base came over.
  Ruan Ning waited until they discovered her, then pretended to be frightened and ran south.
  The group of people immediately caught up with them, shouting as they ran, "My dear madam, just surrender yourself, otherwise we won't be polite."
  Ruan Ning ignored them.
  The leader took out his gun: "The base commander gave the order to shoot. If you don't obey, don't blame us for being ruthless."
  When he said this, he felt a little strange. The little lady ran really fast. , a group of men almost couldn’t catch up.
  With a "bang" sound, he fired a shot into the sky.
  Ruan Ning in front ran faster.
  After chasing for about ten minutes, the leader began to breathe heavily, but Ruan Ning in front was still strong.
  "Damn it, what did the base commander feed his wife? Is she pregnant?" With
  a fierce look in his eyes, the man said: "Take out your gun and shoot!"
  After hearing this, Ruan Ning decided to really run away.
  At this time, the earth suddenly trembled.
  "Fuck!" The team behind them were shocked.
  Ruan Ning also felt that something was wrong with the magnitude of this earthquake, and there were many low-rise houses around. She hurriedly ran to the side of one of them, and instantly used the locator to return to the RV.
  And where she left, the ground quickly opened cracks.
  The people chasing Ruan Ning were unstable and fell into the abyss one after another.
  In the RV, Ruan Ning quickly pulled her parents out of the car, put the car into the space, and waited for the situation to develop further.
  Zhou Sulan couldn't stand firmly, and she and Ruan Cifeng supported each other: "What is going on? Why is there such a big movement?"
  Ruan Ning didn't know, and it was impossible to take out the original novel and read it now.
  Usually earthquakes don't last long, but this time they didn't stop for several minutes. The earth seemed to be receiving harassing phone calls and was shaking non-stop.
  Fortunately, there is no earth-shattering situation here.
  I don’t know how many centuries have passed, but the surrounding area has finally stabilized.
  Zhou Sulan was still frightened: "This is too scary. How do you really say that?"
  Ruan Cifeng added: "The earth dragon turns over."
  "Yes, it's like a dragon turning over underground, trying to knock us down." Zhou Sulan Sighing: "I don't know which earthquake this is described in the novel."
  Ruan Ning also wanted to know, so she took out the original novel and took a look.
  Soon, she came to the conclusion: "It was the time when the island country next door was destroyed."

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now