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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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He lowered his head and said, "He wants me to follow the team to Black Sea Province."
  Ruan Ning was stunned and quickly asked, "You didn't agree, did you?"
  Cheng Jili looked up, his eyes hesitant to speak.
  Ruan Ning understood her meaning: "You agreed? Do you know how dangerous it is from here to Black Sea Province?"
  Cheng Jili pursed his lips: "I know."
  Ruan Ning: "No, You don’t know.”
  In the original novel, this is a world with many bases, and all kinds of evil forces are rampant.
  The situation in this city is better now, but that does not mean that the outside world has become better. When you step out of this place, there are only wolves, tigers and leopards.
  Ruan Ning looked solemn: "Does your brother agree?"
  Cheng Jili shook his head: "He doesn't know yet, but I think what Major General Sun said makes sense. Since I joined the female military camp, I am a soldier."
  "Obey orders, this is the bounden duty of a soldier."
  Ruan Ning's eyes widened: "You have only joined for a few days, you should not do such a risky thing." "
  But sister Yan Ruoxue is not even a soldier. She has been with the team for two years. This time I went to the north, and this time I will go to Black Sea Province with us."
  Cheng Jili's expression became firm: "We are both women, since she can do it, I can do it too." "
  And," Cheng Ji Yue looked to the side and said, "In the female military camp for half a year, I served as their instructor. If I don't go, should I let them go?"
  Not far away, a group of girls were working together to clear the road.
  They are all still very young, the average age may not be more than 20 years old, and many like Zhao Nana have lost all their relatives.
  Ruan Ning understood that Cheng Jili had already made up his mind on this matter.
  She couldn't express the feeling in her heart, so she lowered her head and stopped talking.
  Cheng Jili comforted: "Ning Ning, I know you will definitely object, it is because you care about me."
  "We are in a different place. If my brother was sent to Black Sea Province today, I would not Agree."
  Cheng Jiqiu: "But everyone has their own things to do and difficulties to face."
  Ruan Ning hummed and hugged Cheng Jiqiu.
  Cheng Jili hugged Ruan Ning back.
  After a moment, Ruan Ning let go of her and said with a smile: "Since you have decided, I will definitely support you. Just be careful on the road."
  Cheng Jili also showed a smile on his face: "I know, you yourself Be more careful and discuss things with my brother. I heard from Wenmei that you have moved. Where did you move to?"
  Ruan Ning told her the address of the villa area: "When will you leave?"
  Cheng Ji Quercus: "The night after tomorrow."
  Ruan Ning nodded: "Then I will bring you some dried meat the day after tomorrow, and you can eat it secretly on the road. Is that no problem?"
  Cheng Ji Yue Yile: "No problem. "
  Ruan Ning said goodbye to Cheng Jili.
  Although she was still worried, she really couldn't make decisions for Cheng Jili. It was just that she was so far away and she didn't know if there would be a chance to meet him in the future.
  After going down the mountain to a deserted place, Ruan Ning hid in the darkness and then went back silently.
  In an instant, she was back in the air-conditioned room.
  The cool wind floated in the room, and Ruan Ning felt cold. She quickly grabbed her coat from the space and wrapped it around herself.
  Ruan Cifeng was picking up accessories nearby. He was scared to death when he saw someone flashing up. When he reacted, his face was full of surprise: "Ning Ning?"
  "Is this the positioning function? It's amazing."
  Ruan Ning smiled at Ruan Cifeng.
  Ruan Cifeng saw that she was wearing a coat: "Are you sweating outside? Wipe off the sweat quickly and take a shower."
  Ruan Ning hummed and took out a bottle of mineral water from the space.
  It’s hot outside and you sweat a lot, so you need to rehydrate.
  After cleaning up, Ruan Ning returned to the wine room next door.
  Zhou Sulan was watching TV when she saw Ruan Ning asking casually: "You didn't want to drink ice water outside, did you?"
  Ruan Ning quickly said: "No, absolutely not."
  She only ate a box of ice cream.
  She sat next to Zhou Sulan and told Cheng Jili that she was going to Black Sea Province.
  Zhou Sulan sighed: "How can I say this? Everyone knows that someone has to sacrifice, but no one wants to sacrifice their friends and relatives."
  Ruan Ning immediately said: "You may not necessarily die, but you can't escape through hardship. "
  But it must be cooler over there in the Black Sea Province. If we can get there safely, we might as well spend this extreme heat there."
  Zhou Sulan laughed: "You have a good idea. I think it will work."
  Ruan Ning also thought it was good and thought about how to tell Cheng Jili.
  "There is one more thing I have to discuss with you." Ruan Ning said at this time.

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now