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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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‌How many days. Ruan
  Ning listened with interest and interrupted and asked: "Lieutenant General Sun is really going to get married?"
  The man said, "It's absolutely true. " "
  Unexpectedly, the two of them could actually achieve success. Ruan Ning found that she still underestimated Sun Yongchao's stalking ability.
  Seeing the excitement, the neighbor said: "Tomorrow, food will be distributed according to contribution points. You guys Remember to get up early.
  "Why do you wake up so early? You can't sleep at all. " "
  Ruan Ning had no contribution points, so she followed her neighbors back to Area 55 and continued to boil water in a pot.
  Ruan Cifeng and Zhou Sulan are probably coming back soon. Ruan Ning wants to boil some hot water. They can do it when they return. Soak your feet to relieve fatigue.
  Seven months of drought have passed, and water resources are not so scarce now. You can use water in front of everyone.
  At about six or seven o'clock, people working outside go home.
  At this time, the door opens They were still counting supplies, so they also saw that the expedition team was back. It was a lot of excitement now, and a man ran to the table and did a hip-hop dance to celebrate.
  After more than two years, he I can still remember the dance moves.
  After the excitement, Ruan Cifeng walked back to Area 55 laughing while walking, and saw Ruan Ning chatting with her neighbors.
  Ruan Ning also noticed her parents, tilted her head and smiled at them: "I'll burn it for you." Get hot water and put it inside the tent. "
  The two of them hummed and went into the tent to wash up.
  After Ruan Ning said hello to her neighbors, she returned to the tent and said with a gossipy face: "Do you know?
  Ruan Cifeng: "What do you know? "
  Ruan Ning: "Sun Yongchao proposed to Yan Ruoxue, and Yan Ruoxue agreed. " Ruan
  Cifeng exclaimed: "What a happy event, why didn't you hear about it just now?" "
  Zhou Sulan was most interested in this kind of thing, and quickly asked Ruan Ning: "Is it true or false? Don't tell me it's fake news, right? “
  Of course it’s not fake news. Ruan Ning: "My neighbor next door, Zhou Zhou, heard about it."
  Ruan Cifeng smiled: "What he inquired about is absolutely correct. " "
  Zhou Sulan complained: "If he were twenty years younger, he would definitely be a scout now. "
  Ruan Cifeng heard his wife complaining about good brothers, and quickly changed the subject with a cough: "I didn't expect Lieutenant General Sun and Officer Yan to be together in the end. They can be regarded as a talented man and a beautiful woman.
  Ruan Ning: "Yan Ruoxue is not only as beautiful as a flower. " "
  Yes, yes," Ruan Cifeng said, "Police Officer Yan is also very good, a hero among women."
  "Do you know when they will have their wedding? " "
  Ruan Ning really didn't know, nor how long they planned to prepare.
  The three people in the tent were discussing, and Cheng Jiqiu's voice suddenly sounded outside. Ruan Ning's eyes lit up and she quickly got out.
  Cheng Jikuan was also there.
  Quite. After not seeing the two brothers and sisters for a long time, Ruan Ning's face was full of smiles: "Congratulations to you two brothers and sisters for reuniting.
  Cheng Jili smiled and said, "Then I also congratulate you on your reunion. " "
  Over there, Cheng Jikuan handed over a black cloth bag with something unknown inside.
  Ruan Ning looked at him curiously.
  The man who had been blown by the sea breeze for several months had a dark complexion visible to the naked eye.
  Cheng Jikuan Said: "It was brought back from the sea and belongs to my personal belongings. Ruan
  Ning thought for a while and took the things over: "Thank you, I got some good things when I went out this time. I will share them with you later."
  Cheng Jili shook his head: "Ning Ning, you are still so polite. "
  Ruan Ning said: "It's necessary. It's not strange if there are many people. " "
  Besides, you still had some rice and dried meat that I didn't finish last time. They're all gone now, so I have to bring something to compensate you."
  Cheng Jiqiu said, "Do you still remember what happened a year ago? "
  Ruan Ning laughed: "I hope I don't remember and let you pass this debt. " "
  Cheng Jiqi laughed loudly.
  He lit the bonfire at the tent door again, and the three young people sat down and chatted.
  Cheng Jizhi asked: "I came home with my brother and saw the note you left. what's the matter?
  Ruan Ning said: "In two days, I want to take my parents away from the Hope Base and find a place to live temporarily. " Cheng
  Jikuan glanced at her.
  Cheng Jili frowned: "Are you leaving again?"
  "There is no way, the born prodigal cannot be kept. " Cheng
  Jili didn't joke with her: "Isn't it good to stay at the base?" Now there are many people outside who want to squeeze in, and the base is looking for ways to expand. Ruan
  Ning sighed: "There is indeed something wrong, otherwise I wouldn't leave." Seeing her firm attitude, Cheng
  Jili stopped trying to persuade her: "I know you are capable and can live a good life outside. It's a pity that the two of us won't be able to see each other for a long time." "

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