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"Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" Author: Zhen Mu

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"More than 10,000 people will be sent to the coast to make preparations in the early stage."
  Ruan Ning suddenly realized: "So that's it, then I wish your brother a good journey."
  Cheng Jili said with a smile: "I also wish you a good journey."
  The two men After saying goodbye, Ruan Ning set out early the next morning.
  This time she planned to go to the Magic City first.
  Last time I heard Cheng Yilang and Zheng Kun chatting, the Noah organization had appeared there before, so you can look for clues.
  After waiting until no one was around, Ruan Ning took out the motorcycle from the space and approached the river first.
  After experiencing such a long drought, we don’t know if there is water in the river. If we can use a navigation device to go down the river, the journey will be simple.
  Unfortunately, upon arrival, the system determined that the navigation vehicle could not be used.
  Ruan Ning simply did not leave the riverside. There were no road signs and it was not easy to get lost by following the river road.
  There were no people on the road.
  She can use a motorcycle during the day and sleep in an RV at night, which is not too hard.
  After a week like this, Ruan Ning didn't know where she was. She saw a camp in the distance.
  This camp is not big, with only about three to five hundred people.
  Ruan Ning didn't want to cause trouble, so she decided to go around the camp. She took back her telescope and planned to take a long way, but drums suddenly sounded in the camp over there.
  After being slightly stunned, Ruan Ning curiously took out the telescope again.
  There seemed to be an event going on in the camp, with many people gathered around. There were four drums in the middle, played by two men and two women.
  It seems like some mysterious ritual is being performed.
  It's the end of the world, and strange things will happen. Ruan Ning stopped observing, put away the telescope and set off.
  It didn't take too long to get around the camp. After all, the other party was dedicated to serving the gods, so she just had to sneak over.
  Ruan Ning felt like she had arrived in the magical city without even forgetting how many days it had taken.
  At first glance, you can't actually tell where you are.
  Cities are all the same, no matter how glorious they were in the past, they are now in ruins.
  Ruan Ning guessed that this was the Magic City because the ruins were so huge.
  Now that the earthquakes are decreasing, Ruan Ning boldly touched the edge, but unfortunately there was nothing inside except scrap steel bars and collapsed cement.
  Coming out of the ruins, Ruan Ning searched around and finally found a camp.
  Use the invisibility device to feel inside and observe that the camp is not very big, probably with a thousand people in it. The people inside are haggard and depressed.
  The most amazing thing is that there are actually a group of children in this camp.
  You know, except for New Hope, it is rare to see children, especially those who are only ten years old, and they are disliked by outside bases.
  Ruan Ning was confused. She touched the center of the camp and found a tent here.
  Inside the tent, seven or eight people were sitting having a meeting.
  They should be the leaders of this camp, but everyone looks gloomy, and they don't look like the kind of superiors who control all the resources.
  One of them said: "I don't know when Noah will come again."
  Ruan Ning's eyes lit up and she looked towards the speaker.
  This man was probably in his thirties, bald, wearing tattered clothes, and had wounds on his hands and face.
  Another person said: "They will definitely come. Shouldn't we prepare children?"
  "A child can exchange for 10 doomsday cans, and an adult can only exchange for 5. Those are canned meat. As long as you can On board the ship, you should be able to live a paradise-like life, right?"
  The bald man said enviously: "At least you don't have to worry about starving to death."
  Ruan Ning understood that they were deliberately waiting for the Noah organization here, and to They provided slaves, or children.
  As for the life of the poor on Noah's Ark, what can we say? The mortality rate is not low anyway.
  Otherwise, they wouldn’t go ashore to buy it.
  The conversation continued, and another person said: "Unfortunately, I don't know how long it will take for them to come. Last time I said it would take a year, but it doesn't really take a year, right?" The
  bald man frowned and sighed.
  The topic they discussed turned to be that it was getting harder and harder to find food outside recently, and they didn’t know how long the camp could last.
  At this time, one of them asked: "Have there been any changes in the cannibal base recently?"
  The bald head said seriously: "They are still hunting nearby, mainly catching lone ones, and they should not come to us for the time being. This way."
  The man said: "I always feel uneasy, otherwise we should move to the seaside. Earthquakes have been decreasing recently, and tsunamis are expected to decrease as well."
  No one answered.
  The bald man gritted his teeth: "Actually, we don't have to be afraid of them. There are more than three hundred of them in total, and there are thousands of us."

Stock up the refrigerator and read about natural disasters" ZilmuWhere stories live. Discover now