Chapter 6: Part 2- Guest and Host

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*Adriens POV*

Leaning against my chair my face tinted red with embarrassment; I clicked off the document. I could feel myself leaning against Marinette's hands, clasped onto the backseat. "You have to show me the next part after you write it, Adrien!" She chirped excitedly her voice much closer than it was before. Moving my head to the side I noticed just how close she was to me. I could almost feel her hair wisp against my cheek. She didn't seem to care though, her eyes moving swiftly around my computer desktop at the other documents I had. 

Gulping, I tried to calm down my nervous heart. She always makes me feel like I just ran a mile in the snow every time she's near. Sometimes I wish it wasn't like this, I wish we could just talk without me stammering and being such a clumsy mess. Yet with me still having a massive crush on her. "Adrien?" Marinette's soft voice was just a whisper against my ear as I jolted in the chair. "Huh? O-oh yeah, I mean if you want it sure." I gasped a little in surprise, my mind was still running around trying to process things. 

"Of course I'm sure! I need to know what happens next!"Marinette started to point to another document on my computer screen, asking question after question. Mainly about other stories I wrote in the past and just didn't finish. She seemed genuinely interested in what I wrote, which struck my heart and made me fall for her more. We stay there for a decent amount of time. I showed her little snippets of things I wrote, and her asking questions or giving general advice on what to do next.

 "Y'know, I'm surprised you write a lot of romance, I thought you'd be a mystery type of guy." She chuckled, shifting her balance on her feet. Giving her a side glance, I smiled. 

"My parents influenced me to lean more into romance. I try to switch it up a bit with different genres-" I sighed, clicking off the document we were on as she faced me. "But it always ends up having romance in it. I don't mind though, it's always nice to see. It just reminds me of my parents and how much they care from one another. You know?" I finish, turning my head to face her not having realized she was watching me.

 Our eyes met as I finished my sentence, it was like getting lost in a lake in her eyes. Bubbles, waves, swirls in the water as she looked at me with this soft smile. Blinking fast I turned my head, trying to avoid her noticing my face blushing up. "I love romance, it gives the characters good stories and development. I just wish I could have something like the stories in my life." She sighed deeply, slight sorrow filled her face as she did so.

 Opening my mouth I was about to ask her why the sigh, but I closed it. She was probably talking about Calvin anyway. There was a theory going around from the media that she and Calvin were in a secret relationship. Of course, as her friends, Alya, Nino, and I knew it wasn't true in the slightest. Yet she could harbor some feelings for him. Just because everything went down with Nino, Alya and Him a year ago doesn't mean she suddenly lost all feelings. Maybe I'm just thinking too much, yet what else could that look of depression mean?

 Nevertheless, Marinette was back to her usual cheerful self within the second. "Is there anything I can get you? You seem to be doing better now which is good. " she spoke with some concern as she stretched her arms out in front of her. Spinning my chair to face her fully. "We do still have the school day off thanks to Principal Damocles! Hopefully no homework too, we'll have to talk to Alya or Nino about that." She added swiftly pulling out her phone from her pocket. 

"I'm all good, not that hungry or anything. I do feel bad, you're offering to get me things when you're a guest in my house. Do you need anything?" I spoke quickly recognizing the situation of guest and host that was so very clearly reversed right now. I watched as she typed away on her phone, pausing a moment to look at me with such wide blue eyes. She laughed, this hearty laugh that made my heart skip a beat. That was a sound I wanted to hear almost every day since I first heard it a year ago. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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