Chapter 1: Part 1- Superheros?

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*OKAY! I got bored so I decided to add another story. This one is well an slightly old story of mine. The endings recent though. Unlike my other story this one has scenes that I really want to write later on in the future so I won't cancel it easily :D enjoy this good boy -Rezy*

*Marinette Nadar POV*

(Marinette's outfit but with black converses and without the flowers on her shirt :D)

"But Natalie! Please? Calvin said that he'd take care of me!" I pleaded towards my mothers assistant, a small purse swung across my shoulder along with a backpack in my hands. "No Marinette. Your mother forbids you to go to school, and you know that! If you may, you can make a appointment to speak to her about this. I must take my leave." She spoke with her tablet in hand while using a free hand to leave me behind as she closed my bedroom door. I dropped my backpack in a sigh as I put my long blueish black hair out of its low ponytail so it was at it full length which ended above my butt, "But I can't do that..." I muttered to myself as I sat down at my desk with my computers, minutes went by before I pulled out my phone and texted Calvin Bourgeois:


Calvin :0: Hey Mari! Wru?

Marinette: Sorry Calvin, Im 'forbidden' to go to school. I wont be there.

Calvin :0: DAMN! That sucks, I'll tell my mother about this is you want?

Marinette : No! No, thats alright. If you do then I'd get into even more trouble than I already am.

Calvin :0: O, alrite. Well I gtg , sorry Mari! ttyl! <3

*Off phone*

I turned off my phone with a sigh, as I walked over to my backpack and pulled out my secret sketch book that I keep hidden from my fashion designer mother. Sitting on my bed I faced towards the wall of windows that I have, then started drawing a dress with a huff.

*Adrien Dunstan's POV*

(Legit just adrien's outfit because im not creative)

"Come on Adrien! Hurry up, Your being so slow! You alright dude?" My best friend Nino turned around as I slowly made my way up the stairs, zoned out on my phone. 'Thats about right! Just a little bit more lighter-' "Sorry Nino! Just.. figuring out the last details for some characters on a story" I said slightly embarrassed that I was speaking about my favorite embarrassing hobby out loud. Nino patted my back as we entered school, "Dude, some day your gunna be a famous writer. Don't forget about me when that happens!" He said as we both laughed, which made a certain blond walk towards us, his blue eyes focused on his task: To make us suffer.

"Well well well,  isn't it my favorite gay couple: Adrienkins and.. the other one. -Nino rolled his eyes-. You both laughing at your pathetic lives?" said Calvin Bourgeois , he's the mayors son. So, that basically means that hes a dick, and can get away with being one. Besides him, is his side kick Sage, the ginger kid who looks up to Calvin as he took him under his 'wing'. At least that's what Calvin claims. "Where not gay Calvin, you know that-" "Dude, don't even try to fight against it, everyone else already knows what he's saying is lies and hates him. Lets just walk away.." Nino whispered to me, pushing me towards the classroom leaving Calvin and Sage to watch us with smirks on there faces. 

The end of the class at the end of the day

"Hey guys? Did you hear that we might be getting a new student?" Alya started off making both me and Nino turn around towards the reddish/brown hair'd girl. "No..?" "But get this! If she is coming, she's the daughter of Sabine Nadar her self!" Alya squealed slightly as we finished walking down the stairs out front of school. "Seriously?! Isn't she a model for her mother's line? Dude shes hot." Nino chuckled making Alya nudge him as I was in shock. It's true that im not into fashion, but I love Nadar's designs, I use them all the time when im planning out a character for my stories! "Actually?" I said with a hint of shock still in my voice, making Alya turn to me as Nino waved goodbye, before heading the other way. Me and Alya usually walked home together because we live around the same area, she nodded in response to my question as she went on and on about how she got her information. Which was from Calvin when he was flirting with her, to no surprise, hes a douche like that.

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